Chapter 5: Unbearable pain

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Henry's POV:

I quickly walked to the library because I wanted to print something out so I can decorate my locker with just one picture. Luckily it's a quick process and speed walk to my locker for my books. Then I take a piece of tape and put on my locker door. It's the last picture of my friends and I took. They surprised me right before my mom and left Georgia and when we took the picture I was sobbing. I had to wipe away a tear and hold myself together after putting it up.

Sabine came up to me hugging and saw me almost crying. She laid her hand on my shoulder and asked what happened. I show her the picture and explained, and then she gave me a tight hug. "I'm gonna do everything I can to make your time Strakesdale amazing." I thanked her and gathered my things start heading to my first class, until.

Dylan's POV:

I follow him to his locker and wait for Sabine to leave so I can do what I need to do. Right before he leaves I place my hand on his shoulders and pin him to the lockers. He gives me a deer in the headlights look and I give him devilish smirk. I hold him there for a minute with him struggling to get free, he's so weak, it's pathetic. I let go and turn around and leave. He lets out a giant exhale and then I run over with one hand on his throat and lift him off the ground squeezing and give him a deadly angry stare.

Henry's POV:

He's choking me, I squirm and slap his arm to have nothing happen. He leans in my ear and whispers, "Your nothing more than a useless, pathetic worm and it's my job to stomp you." When moves his head back I look at him and try to say with little breath," I. can't. breathe." He smirks and gives me a good punch to the stomach and drops me on the ground. That will definitely bruise, no doubt about it. He walks away and I slowly get up and go to class before I'm late.

Dylan's POV:

I strut away and feel pretty good, but not for long. For some reason I don't feel good for long, I feel something but I'm not sure what is. I can't tell if I like this feeling or not, I'm starting to feel really confused. Could it be remorse? It can't be, can it? I walk to class and sit with my friends. Not long after Henry walks in stumbling a little clenching his stomach, he's late. The teacher asked where he was. He looks at the teacher and quickly at me scared, then he's smart and makes up some bullshit. He said," My alarm broke and my car needed a jump start." Class continues and he listens to his music. avoiding eye contact with everyone.

Henry's POV:

Class ends and I immediately run out to avoid, well everything. I run to my locker and grab my books for my next class. He's making me so paranoid I'm constantly looking over my shoulder in fear of him coming after me. This isn't supposed to be how it is, my mom is happy in this new town, my brother is having the time of his life in college, why am I the only being tormented? This was supposed to be a fresh start and the beginning of the rest of my life, is this what the rest of my life is supposed to be? I walk into my second class and put my headphones in and just listen to the emo playlist to help calm myself. Near the end of the class, I feel a note thrown at me, I know where it came from so I already what was on it. I didn't even bother reading it, I knew it would hurt too much to read it. I crumble it up and shove in my pocket and continue class.

As I was walking out some dude just shoved me into a locker, hard. He turns around and looks at me and says, "Oops." Yeah, a fucking oops gave me a bruised shoulder. I get a text from Sabine and said she couldn't have lunch because of getting a stomach bug. Great so I'm alone for the next week, maybe two.

I leave my lunch and don't even bother eating because I know Dylan and/or his friends will approach me at lunch. I just hide in the bathroom and just watch Netflix. I hear the door opening and 2 guys walk in and I immediately recognize one voice, Dylan. "I heard that you choked out that new fag." I turn off my phone and hold my feet on top of the toilet hoping they don't notice. "Yeah, the kid was petrified. It was pretty funny." Dylan said.

The other guy asked," What are plans for him?" Dylan replies," I'm not sure yet, but I know whatever it is, he's gonna hurt." They walk out and I feel paralyzed and start shaking. As I lose control of my tears and holding back my sobs. I walk out and lift my shirt and see my stomach and shoulder. They're already changing colors, but where Dylan hit me was the worst.

The day ends and when I walk out to my car I see Dylan and a couple of scary-looking guys hanging on my car. They don't notice me yet so I use this opportunity. I use my key to have car alarm go off, they're all scared and run away pretty quickly. I used that to run to my car and drive out as quick as I can. I start laughing and thinking out loud," I'm definitely gonna regret that tomorrow, but I'm gonna enjoy it for now."

I get home and text Sabine how she's doing and she feels terrible. I told her what Dylan did to me and she got pretty angry and felt horrible for not being there. It's not her fault, it's not her job to protect me. She felt better about it after I told her how I got him back and the look on his face. It was priceless but then warned me that I should look out for tomorrow. Whatever happens, it's not gonna end well for me.

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