Chapter 20:

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Henry's POV:

My alarm started going off at its normal time, I dreaded going back today. I was terrified to go, luckily Jack and Sabine are here and Dylan would hopefully be there for me. I got ready for the day wearing my trademark all-black clothing with an oversized sweatshirt because of how FUCKING COLD IT IS. Mom packed me some Thanksgiving leftovers and I left a little more bundled then usual. I arrived in school and saw Dylan's Dodge Charger. As soon as I got out and felt the cold air hit me I felt hands pin me to my door, Jackson, and Alex. They both smirk and Alex says," Hey there little fag, how was your break? Did you miss us?"

I started trembling not from just the cold, but from fear as well. When I prepare myself for a punch I hear a familiar voice. Dylan comes in and lands both of his on their shoulders," Boys, this one is now off-limits. Spread the word, if anyone lays a hand on him you gotta deal with my fists." The way Dylan said it was so stern and protective, it was sweet and a little sexy. They both looked at him dumbfounded and Jackson breaks the silence," Dude what the hell are you doing? You know he deserves this." Dylan stares at Jackson with a death glare and even more sternly says," Keep. Your. Hands. Off."

They pushed me back into my car and walked off, while Dylan rested one hand on my left shoulder and one on my right hip. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" The way he said it sound so sympathetic," Yeah I'm okay I've taken worse. Thank you, you didn't have to save me." He gave me a big dumb smile," Hey of course I did, I told you I was done beating you and I meant it. Let's go inside your shivering your balls off."

We walked in together and he walked off saying he had to meet with the coach and Sabine and Jack greeted me dumbfounded. Sabine started," What the hell was that? Did he hurt you?" "There's a bunch of cameras pointed to the parking lot, let me talk to my uncle." I held both of their forearms," Guys I'm okay, nothing happened. Dylan saved me out there from Alex and Jackson, he also saved me during the break." 

We sat down in the hallway and I explained everything, about the party, Dylan saving me and hanging out with me afterward, Andrew thinking he crushed on me, everything. They both wrapped their arms around me," Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you, but I'm glad Dylan saved you. Are you guys friends, does he really have a crush on you?" Sabine frantically said.

"No, he doesn't have a crush on me. As much as I would like to date him, with his tone body and gentlemen like skills, it's never gonna happen." Jack still looked in disbelief," Hmm still, we've known him longer. I still don't trust him." I held both of their hands," Guys I'll always need you, you two are my best friends." We hugged and Jack and I went to our first class of the day, with Dylan in it.

Dylan's POV:

When I saw Jackson and Alex holding Henry I got fumingly angry. I got out of my car and pressed my hands into their shoulders while they're holding Henry. I threatened to beat them into a pulp and they eventually walked away, poor Henry he was trembling with fear and cold. He said he was okay and I got him inside to warm him up. Jack and Sabine came glaring at me and confused. I walked off and made up a lie about meeting with a coach, I was just scared about accidentally showing my feelings for Henry. As much as I want too, I'm nowhere near good enough for him.

I walked into class and took a seat, a couple of minutes later Jack and Henry take a seat near the back. I decided to get up and seat next Henry while Jack sits behind him. "Hey, there little prince.", I say trying to flirt but I'm failing. "You're still on that? I think I like twerp better." Henry said laughing. "Oh come on, little prince fits you much better then twerp."  Jack interrupted," Should I be concerned about what's going on here?"  I looked at him being as genuine as I can," I promise, I don't want to be a bully anymore." He nodded and seemed to believe me, I gotta say that made me feel really relieved.

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