Chapter 14: Regret

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Dylan's POV:

I woke up on Saturday bothered, I felt upset about something. I'm not even sure why. I got up and brushed my teeth and made a heavy breakfast so I can have an intense workout. I finished my workout and it helped a little to distract myself, but it really didn't. I took a shower to wash off this feeling, that didn't work out either.

I got out of the shower and got a text from Alex.

(A=Alex D=Dylan)

A-"Yo dude, did u hear about what happened?"


A-"That fag we beat up"

D-"What about him?"

A-" He went to the fucking hospital. 😂

D-" Dude r u serious?"

A-" Yeah he totally did. That ought to teach him a lesson."

D-"Holy shit."

A-"What? He totally deserved it."

Then I understood, why I was feeling so shitty. It was guilt, but why did I feel guilty? He's gay, being gay is wrong. He made his choice, I have to put my guilt aside and do what I need to do. Will it work though? I can try to beat him straight, I just don't know if I should. I don't want to, but everyone expects me too. I can't disappoint my family or my friends. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and do it.

Right now in the world, I really really wish I was anybody else other than myself.

Henry's POV:

I woke up that morning feeling good, my brother was in the guest room snoring his ass off, Sabine slept on an air mattress in my room looking like she was picked up by a tornado, Jack was on the couch downstairs and his legs were on the couch while his face was on the ground. I'm surrounded by idiots, and yet I love them all.

My mom was in the kitchen making breakfast and I decided to help her. Everyone came down and smelled the food. My brother ran down the stairs," I WANT NOM NOMS." "Mom, are you sure he's my brother?" Mom left for work and we all just bummed around the house. I gotta say, this was so much fun. I just hope going to school won't ruin all of this.


It was the middle week and Andrew had to go back to Tennessee, he's an ass, but I still missed my big bro. I offered to take him to the airport myself, mostly to skip school and avoid seeing Dylan. He's so hot, but I'm still terrified of him. I'm mortified what he'll do to me, I have a feeling he's gonna try to finish the job.

I hug him goodbye, begging him not to leave. "Dude it doesn't matter that you're a scrawny noodle. Skinny guys like you are scrappy, there's nothing you can't survive." I smirked, my brother is great, I know that he'll always be there for me. I punched him in the arm," Now get the hell out of here ass wipe." "See you during Thanksgiving dip shit."

A/N : Sorry for the short chapter guys.

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