Chapter 23: Dating?

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Dylan's POV:

I woke up at around 6:45 AM, I was a little confused when I saw I wasn't in my room. Last night's memories came flooding back pretty quickly, yeah it was a good night. I looked down and saw Henry sleeping with his hands and arms against my bare chest. When I pulled the covers I saw I had a raging hard-on. I was backed enough where Henry couldn't feel it, I don't want him to see this. I don't want him to be pressured into having sex, he's not ready yet.

I slowly pulled the covers off and Henry rolled over to his stomach sound asleep. I sighed in relief for not waking him and walked to the bathroom down the hall and grabbed some clothes. I locked the doors and began to pleasure myself with the thoughts of Henry in my mind. Me ripping his clothes off caressing his small light tan body.

After about 5 minutes I released over my hands. It's never been that quick before, just his thoughts pushed me over the edge. I quickly cleaned up with some tissues and hopped into the shower to clean myself off. While I was lathering myself up I heard a knock on the door. "Dylan? Is everything okay? I was gonna give you some towels but the door is locked. There isn't any in there." I open the curtains, fuck he's right. "Oh yeah sorry. Locking the door is just a force of habit. Just lay it by the door and I'll get them."

"Okay, they're right outside."

Henry's POV:

I woke up at 7 and saw that Dylan wasn't here. I started to get really scared and anxious until I heard the shower on. I had my own bathroom in my room but he didn't use it. I wonder why did he not want to use it? Is he secretly disgusted by my body, no that can't be it I felt his erection last night. Oh God, last night. I ran up to my mirror and saw the hickeys on each side of my neck.

Holy fucking shit, what will my brother say? WHAT WILL MY MOM SAY? Shit, I'm dead but probably not as much as Dylan though. I heard the shower from down the hall and remember there's no closet. I should probably get him a towel, I grabbed a towel from the cupboard in the hall for Dylan. When I tried to open the door it was locked, strange. Probably didn't want me to walk in on him naked.

I knocked on the door and let him know about the towels. Afterward, I left to go to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I had to wait for Dylan to get out so I don't steal all the hot water. After I finished I went to lay on my bed on my phone. Soon after Dylan walked in with jeans, and shirtless. Fucking. Shirtless. I could see his rock hard abs, toned pecs, and his deep v-line. The man was a fucking walking statue. I ran to my dresser and used my clothes to block my erection.

I tried to walk past him, but he stopped me by wrapping his arms around my waist. I looked down and blushed probably looking like a damn cherry. His deep and calming voice started talking," Hey what's the rush". I couldn't help but stutter. "I-I-I-I-I u-u-uh j-j-just ne-e-ed to get re-re-ready."

He grabbed my chin and pulled it up so I can face him. "You're nervous. Does me shirtless make you nervous?" I started fake laughing to cover my nerves but failed. "W-w-w-what? N-n-no that's pr-pre-preposterous. You're just imagining things." He chuckled a little," You're a horrible liar."

He grabbed my hands and placed them on his chest. "Do you like me shirtless?" "I-I-I-I just. UGH. I hate you." I brushed his hands away and ran to my bathroom, I could hear him laughing through the door. Fucking meathead junior. I quickly shower and jump out to dry myself off and get my clothes on. I look at myself and the mirror and fuck with my hair a little and use my bangs to cover my eye before my beanie on. I come out wearing all black jeans, a black t-shirt under a big black sweatshirt with my black beanie on. Dylan sits on my bed behind me.

I started to put my deodorant and cologne when Dylan came up behind me and smacked my ass. Ugh Jocks, am I right? He wrapped his arms around my body after making me jump and whispered into my ear," That ass doesn't stop. But if I catch anyone staring at it they're gonna have to deal with my fist." I started smiling and laugh a little," Okay easy meathead junior. I told you to not go beating up people to just defend me." He turned me around and brushed my hair out of my face," I told you that you shouldn't cover your beautiful face like that."

He just gave me a big kiss on the face," Sorry but I'm not gonna let anyone get away with hurting my little prince." I just gave a big smile and blushed hard when he smacked my ass again. "Come on little prince, we should eat before we go to school." We run downstairs and I throw him a little cup of yogurt while I eat an apple. We quickly eat and jump into my car.

We drive in a comfortable silence until he breaks it," Hey so when is your mom coming home?" It took me a second to remember," This weekend I think, what for?" "Weeeellllll", he says while he lays on my shoulder while I drive. "My mom is leaving for a work trip and my dad is leaving to perform some super fancy-schmancy surgery across the state. They'll both be gone for a week, and I was wondering if you wanted to spend a couple of days at my house."

I thought about it for a minute," Yeah, I'd like that. If it's okay with you." He gave me a quick peck on the cheek," That would be just fine with me."

I pulled up to the school and we sit in the car for a minute. I broke the silence," So do you wanna pretend that we aren't, you know. Together?" He gently grabbed my chin to face him," No, I'm done pretending. We're gonna walk in hands holding and I'm gonna show everyone how much I love my little prince. But only if you're okay with it."

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