Chapter 33: Fun night

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Henry's POV

I finished my hair at about 4:30 and showered and got out at like 4:50. I decided to wear a plain white t-shirt, black converse, my iconic black beanie, a small black leather jacket that fits me perfectly, and a blue bandana wrapped around my head, and black converse. Trying to get that 50's biker look.

I got to the address Dylan sent me around 5:30. I was about the third person there with two other people from school.  A few minutes later Dylan showed up in his dodge charger, no way he is beating me.

He got out and did that whistle you do when you someone hot. He came up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and abdomen to bring me into a kiss. We pulled away after about a minute to breathe. "Damn baby, you're looking fine. From an emo nerd with platinum silver hair and shaved offsides and long bangs to a sexy 50's biker with platinum silver hair with newly shaved sides. I like it."

I gave him another big kiss and deepened the kiss to a hot passionate kiss. After a couple of minutes, I pulled back," Thanks for noticing meathead. Did everything go okay? What did you do?" He kissed my forehead and rested his forehead on mine. "You'll see tonight, did you pack a bag?"

I nodded but little did he know that I packed a little extra tonight. We'll talk about that later tonight. Not too long after that Evan arrived in his yellow Camero. The mechanic was checking out all of our cars and of course, my is in tip-top shape.

Not too long afterward a bunch of cars and people were there. The first six cars were all checked out and a couple more were as well and everyone is in good shape. Then the student body president came out with the sound level checker thing, I think his name was Billy.  It's kinda ironic that the student body president participated in an illegal race.

"Alright boys and girls you know how this goes, who's ready for a race", Billy yelled. He started off with the first car, and people started hollering pretty loudly. Then the second car and people started hollering again. My car was the third one and people were so far the loudest which actually surprised me considering who I was.

Then Dylan and Evan and the other two I didn't pay attention to. To my surprise, everyone shouted the loudest for me. I take pride in my car and it is the only convertible here, but still, I didn't think people liked me. It actually makes me happy.

After the selection was finished Billy had all of us put our names on small slips of paper and to put them into a hat. Billy shook the hat with our names up and the first three will be in the first race and the last three will be in the second race. The two winners will race in the last race and the winner will win $600. "Alright first we have Evan Harrison, then Randy Fields. Last but not least, Herny Smith."

Looks like I'm in the first race, I'm a little nervous. We move our cars into position and a girl with a curvy body in skimpy clothes with a flag was the race girl. They gave us a couple of minutes to prepare for the race and Dylan decided to come and comfort me.

"Are you nervous my little prince?", Dylan said with his head popped into my window. "Actually, yeah I am." He peeked his head further to kiss my forehead,"  Don't worry, this road isn't as dangerous as it looks. I haven't seen your skill, but mechanic wise, your car can race circles out of everyone. Except for me."

"ALRIGHT EVERYONE LET'S GET THIS THING STARTED." Dylan gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving and wishing me luck. The leggy showgirl started the announcement. "ALRIGHT BOYS START. YOUR. ENGINES." We all started our cars and revved our engines.

The girl was waving the flag signaling for us to be ready to go. I changed gear to my drive and put my left foot on the brake and rested my right on the acceleration. The girl dropped the flag and as soon as it hit the ground, ZOOOOOOOMMMMM.

We all drove off as fast as we can, and I gotta say, I've never had such an adrenaline rush.

Evan's POV:

We drove off and it looked like Henry was in the lead for about five seconds until I took the lead with Randy right on my ass. He's won a couple of these before so I had to keep an eye on him. On the other hand, poor Henry was left in the dust.

He was trying to keep up, but couldn't It's kinda ironic because he always likes to brag about his car. Oh well, I'm sure Dylan will be there to comfort him. If Dylan wins I know he will spend it on Henry, unfortunately, he won't win. I will. I was close to the finish line with Randy right on my ass.

I'm close, I'm so close. I win this I get in the next race, and I WIN $600 FUCKING DOLLARS MOTHERFUCKER. We were less than a mile when all of sudden, ZOOM. HENRY, FUCKING, SMITH, SHOT RIGHT PASS ME. HOW IN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN?

Henry's POV:

For the majority of it I trailed behind Evan and Randy, close enough I could keep an eye on them, but far enough to make it look like I was struggling. I could slightly see into both of their cars and could tell they were giving their all, I was barely giving 50%. When we were about a half a mile away and could see the finish line, that's when I decided to fully goose it.

I pushed the pedal to the metal and shot right past both of them. I drove right over the finish, line. FIRST, FUCKING, PLACE. I screeched my car to a halt and saw Evan and Randy leave their cars, fuming with rage.

I jumped out of my car and jumped into Dylan's arms and kissed him as deeply as I could. When I finally needed to breathe I pulled away with the biggest smile. "Dylan, I did it. I actually won the first race. I've never won anything before, I've never been brave enough to try and win anything. I think, I think you've changed me."

Dylan's POV:

"I think you've changed me", are the words that Henry's beautiful lips. I kissed him deeply and pulled him into my chest. I finally let him go after felt like seconds it was probably more like minutes.

"You've always been like this, you just didn't know it. Maybe I helped bring this you too light, but this was all, you baby." He looked at me with his beautiful brown syrup eyes into my blue ones and smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. I'll remember this moment forever, I'll always remember this big smile.

I finally let him go and he responded by smacking my ass, which is weird because that is usually my job. "Now go win your race so I can beat you in the next one." I got in my car and watched everyone move out of the way and watch Henry move his car in a position to prepare for the next race.

(A/N I'M gonna skip Dylan's race because in this storyline he's done this race before and has won once but it doesn't really matter. Just know that Dylan won this race and is going against Henry)

Unsurprisingly, I won my race and now I have to go against my little prince. Eh, he'll be fine. As an athlete, I am naturally competitive. It may not look like but Henry is actually very competitive. That's why I have to win, I don't need the money I just don't want to deal with him bragging.

Henry and I moved our cars into position to prepare for the next race. Billy announced that there will have to be a slight detour because since it's the last race it has to have a big finish.  We sit next to each other without windows down glaring and smirking at each other.

He decides to taunt me by blowing a kiss. I'm so gonna win and rub it in his cute face.

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