Chapter 25: The reckoning

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Dylan's POV:

Henry was acting really weird. We were sitting in class just hanging out with him in my lap and having fun. It was one of the very few times school was really fun. I had to let him go to the bathroom so he didn't pee on me.

When Henry came back he was limping a little, hard to notice at first but my eyes always follow him. He sat down at his desk with his head down trying to sleep. He told me once that skinny guys have a hard time sleeping at desks. I went up to him and told him it would be more comfortable to sleep on me.

He just simply refused, sounding so empty and scared. He wanted to go home, I tried to go with him cause it was obvious something was wrong. Something was going on, he completely refused to let me go. The first block ended and Henry walked out to his car and went with him.

"Babe are you sure you don't want me to go? I can manage to skip for the day. I know something is bothering you, I want to help." He just gave a fake reassuring smile," No it's okay really. I promise to see you later. It's best for me to be by myself right now, better that way so you don't start feeling what I feel." Good lord, he's such a terrible liar. He was hiding something, something bad.

"Do you want to still come to my house this week? You can go stay at my house if you want. I don't mind, I'll get Evan to drop me off to go get my car after school." He gave an empty and sad giggle," No no no it's fine really. I should go and you got to go to class before you're late." I tried to go in for a kiss but he just messed with my hair and got in his car.

He drove off without barely a smile, did I do something wrong? He seemed scared and nervous, I haven't seen him like that since he was afraid of me. Could that be it? He was still afraid of me? No, just the other night he melted in my arms he's still not afraid of me. I need to start binge-watching Criminal Minds again and pull out my inner profiler.

Henry's POV:

I arrived at my house and just sat in my room and started crying. I felt so happy last night with Dylan wrapped around me and then today it was all ruined. My stomach and back hurt, what did I ever do to Jackson and Alex. Dylan deserved better than me, someone who could fight. I can't, I'm always too scared and too weak.

I walked into my house and got a text from Dylan, oh shit.

D="Hey r u okay?"

H="Yeah, I'm fine. Y?"

D="U seemed nervous today. Did I do something wrong?"

Oh God, I can't let him take responsibility. I need to tell him, but if I do he'll kill his friends. I can't let him, I just hope he can forgive me.

H="No it's fine I just want to be alone. Go to class or whatever, just leave me alone."

I started sobbing, and said out loud," Oh God, Dylan please forgive me." He didn't respond and I'm assuming he went to class. Where has my life gone? I took my shirt off and rubbed some ointment on my bruises. The bottle said to make sure nothing would rub off the ointment so I had to just walk around shirtless.

Dylan's POV:

What did I do? Why is he angry with me? I need to go and apologize, but not now. He needs some time to think and so do I. I walked to my second class not really caring or paying attention. All I could think about was Henry, whatever I did to upset him I hope he can forgive me.

I went to lunch and noticed Alex and Jackson smirking at me. I had a feeling something was going on with them but ignored it. I sat down obviously upset, and Adam asked what was wrong. I just shrugged them all off until lunch ended. The rest of the day went by so slow.

When the day ended I trudged over to Evan's car still upset. We got in and headed toward the car shop. It was silent until Evan spoke," Dude what the hell is up with you today? And where's Henry? Is that what's bothering you, your love life?" I just sighed," You're one to talk, I see the way you eye Sabine."

He just smirked," Yeah but have you noticed the way she eyes me? She's so beautiful and strong. I can't believe I've never noticed her before, I'm gonna make her my girlfriend. I have a good feeling Alice and Jack may also be a thing. We have Henry to thank for that. So I will ask again and you better answer with less snark, where's Henry?"

I sighed in defeat and sunk in my seat," He went home after our first class. He said he wasn't feeling well, but it was probably something else. Something I did." "Dude what are you talking about? I spoke to Jack about you two. He said Henry was melting in your arms and laughing his life away."

I buried my face in hands," I don't know but he told me to leave him alone. He just went to the bathroom and came back upset. I walked him out to his car and I couldn't even give him a kiss goodbye. He was supposed to spend the rest of the week at my house but I don't see that happening. I think I'll just give him his space."

We pulled into the car shop and Evan gave me the hardest 'You dumb motherfucker' look. "You dumb mother fucker." I just turn to him," Excuse me? I can pummel your ass." "Yeah you can but you won't. Henry will be heartbroken like he is now. Something happened to him today, more than likely he was threatened. You're gonna take your ass in the car shop and drive straight to Henry."

He's right, I don't care what's happening. I'm gonna see my man, whatever is bothering him I am gonna go in and take care of him as I promised. I went in and kinda stole my keys, I just threw my money at them and ran. I got in my car and drove off straight to Henry's house as I heard Evan yell. "HEY WAIT YOU PROMISED ME TO PAY FOR MY GAS."

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