Chapter 19: Thanksgiving

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Henry's POV:

Thanksgiving break just ended, and it was great. We were able to recreate dad's deep-fried turkey, wasn't exactly like his but it was delicious nonetheless. Truth be told though, dad would've given us so much shit about we were doing wrong. I miss him doing that, but I know that he's at peace. Andrew went back to Tennessee and I miss him. Mom and I are doing good though, she still loves work and they all love her. Two of her co-workers who didn't have family came over and they were really fun and nice.

Not only did Thanksgiving turn out great, but I also started hanging out with Dylan. We went out and hung out at some local cafes and other town favorites. I used to be so terrified of him, now I know that he is a friend. School is about to start again, and I'm pretty scared. Dylan kept saying that he won't beat me again, but I can't help but be a little fearful of him. I texted Jack and Sabine about Dylan being my friend and they weren't ecstatic at first. Now though, they're glad I have someone else to protect me. Someone who's really popular and strong, and also pretty easy on the eyes. I know nothing can happen between us, but a guy could dream.

Dylan's POV:

The break was great after I saved Henry we became friends and we hung out around town. Thanks to him I started watching Criminal Minds, but he won't tell me any spoilers no matter how much I tried to bribe him. We would geek over it and walk all over town. It got pretty cold while we hung out, so I decided to be a gentleman and gave him my jacket a couple of times. It was so big on him it went down mid-thigh. I gotta say though when he wasn't wearing clothes that would cover so much, I couldn't help but notice how his bottom jiggled a little. He was so beautiful, I hope one day I could call him mine.

My family came down from upstate for Thanksgiving dinner and it was great. That side of the family wasn't exactly as religious as ours, except for my grandparents. We still loved them dearly but I knew they were much more open-minded. While everyone was downstairs I quietly grabbed my cousin Sophie to my room, I needed to tell someone. "Sophie, I need to say something and I need you to please not be angry or judge. Don't tell my parents or yours or especially grandma and grandpa."

She looked at me confused," Yeah okay, is everything okay Dylan?" I locked the door and let out a great sigh," I'm in love with someone." She gave me a big smile and wrapped her small arms around my neck, she wasn't that much taller than Henry. "Dylan that's great, who is she? How pretty is she? I want to see a picture of her. Wait why do we need to hide this from the family, is she like a gangster or something?" "Well I'll show you a picture, but when you see it you'll understand."

I pulled out my phone and showed a picture of Henry I found of him on Instagram. She took my phone and stared at the picture confused. "Wait, Dylan, I don't see a girl in this picture. There's only this dude on here, why is-", she cut herself off and stared at me. I gave her a blank stare and she gave me a big smile and wrapped her arms around my torso. It felt good to be accepted," Your not angry?" She let go and looked up at me," Dylan I could never be angry at you for loving someone different, I promise I won't tell the family. I thought you hated gays, but it warms my heart knowing you really don't hate." "I could never be his boyfriend though, I used to beat him up pretty bad. We've been hanging out and became friends after I saved him from being raped, but I don't think I'm good enough for him."

She rubbed her palm against my face," Dylan, I know deep down you have a beautiful heart. You have to try, it's better to try and fail than to never try at all. You saved his life, that's something that he'll remember forever." I cupped her hand," Okay, I promise that I will try."

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