Chapter 3: No avail

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Henry's POV:

I go to my next class and thankfully he or his 2 buddies weren't there. Unfortunately, word had already spread about me being gay. Yay first day. At the end of class, some idiot threw a note at me. I opened it up and it said FUCKING FAGGOT. Hmm, looks like fag is the word of the day or possibly a year in my case.

I walk to lunch and I found an empty table for me to sit at. I started listening to my music when I see the guy on the other side of the lunchroom, luckily he hadn't noticed me yet. When I was trying to get along with my day alone I texted my friends, but it would awhile for a response. I was alone at school until someone sat down with me. It was Sabine.

"Hey kid, how's your first day going," Sabine said. I look and took out my headphones with still a red mark on my face. "I've had better days." She moves next to me and examines my face and asked who did it. I defeatedly pointed to the guy trying to be discreet. Sabine then said,"Oh God, that's Dylan Fort. His parents are kinda rich and he's obviously pretty tough. He's also very homophobic. You have to try to avoid him or he'll break you in two." "Yeah, I got that impression. He also spread the word so the whole school knows I'm gay. Word travels fast. I can at least stop calling him hot tall guy now that I know his name."

Lunch ends and I go through the day without having to wash any slurs off my locker and dealing with slaps or more. I look over at my car and Dylan's car comes zooming by and almost hit me. I get in upset and notice that the parking lot is near empty. I take down the roof of my car and drive. I gotta say, driving a convertible on a warm day after a shitty first day of school is really nice.

Dylan's POV:

I leave the parking lot getting close to Henry almost hitting but intentionally missing to scare him. I get home and of course, my parents aren't home. I'm not sure why but I got curious about that kid Henry. He's a pretty obvious fag, but I would like to race his car and he's got at least good taste in that. Wait, why am I thinking nice things about him? Whatever, I want to know more about this kid. I try looking up Henry Smith with nothing, he must not know anyone other than Sabine. Poor kid, whatever what the hell do I care.

My parents come home late with pizza and they try to strike up a conversation. "How was your first day? When's your first practice of the year? Any new friends?" The basic parent-kid back to school conversations. I give them the gist being tired and not wanting to deal with it.

Henry's POV:

I get home and noticed that the redness is gone on my face. I sighed in relieved knowing my mother would use everything my father left us and everything we have as collateral from one little slap. Although, I have feeling there's going to be more than that. My mom isn't home yet so I do a little homework early hoping to get on all of my teacher's good side. Around 7 PM my mom came home.

She gave a hug and a kiss on the cheek and asked all the basic questions. I told her about Sabine and my classes, I thought it be safe not to talk about Dylan and his goons. I asked about her day, she replied, "Honey I love it here! Everyone I work with is so nice and sassy. It's such a fun work environment. I think I made the right decision to move us here. I know you miss your friends, but you look like your on your way to making new friends." I give her a big smile, it was the happiest I've seen her since dad died.

I go to bed wearing just gym shorts and going commando because my boys like to breathe. I pulled out my phone to see my brother calling me. I answered with a hello and answered," WHAT'S UP FUCKERS???!!!!" He's drunk, which didn't bother me because he always says the funniest things when he's drunk. He tried to ask about my day and I gave quick basic responses because I didn't want to worry him and I knew he wouldn't remember this in the morning. He hangs up when I hear a drunk girl yelling, "Come back to bed daddy." I immediately hang up with the thoughts of my brother doing disgusting things.

I chuckle a little a scroll through my Instagram feed to see all my old friends. I start tear up a little missing them so much. One of them responded and asked how my first day went. I gave them the same thing I gave my mom. If I told them what happened and what will happen it would break their hearts, and I had already hurt them enough by moving. I go to sleep listening to music like I always do curl up in my oversized sweatshirt.

Once lost, and now foundحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن