Character introduction, nerd

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My name is Henry Smith, I am a 16 skinny Asian emo nerd with dyed platinum silver hair that is long on top with bangs and shaved off the sides. I am in high school who's 5'7. I'm also gay, yeah that may be a little important to this story. I'm going into my sophomore year of high school and I'm dreading. I'm lucky that I never got bullied, I had amazing friends that dealt with my annoying timid behavior. I also had an older brother named Andrew,  who I didn't get along that well, but better than most. I am a pretty open person, but that all changed halfway through freshmen year. My father died in a plane crash. He was a pilot for over 30 years, the company said it was a technical malfunction. They compared it to being struck by lightning seeing that it was so rare. My mother was left distraught, she did everything she could for me, but she couldn't stop me from changing. I became more closed off, timider,  never spoke out, and went into a deep depression. We were so close, he accepted me so quickly when I came out. My mother took a little more convincing but realized how much she loves me, and how much I love her. Andrew just made jokes, but that was our relationship. He was a freshman in college when he heard, he came home and the funeral had his ashes that we got from what little remains they found of him. Andrew was able to grieve quickly because he knew dad didn't want us in pain and he was at peace knowing he wasn't in pain. My mother was the same, I, on the other hand, was not that lucky. Shortly after he died, my mother made arrangements for us to move to Idaho into a small town during Summer. My mother was a beautician, and a good one at that. It wasn't hard for her to find work, and I wasn't worried about living in a small town because my hometown is a small town. I just hated the idea of leaving all my wonderful friends behind but staying there hurt every day knowing my dad was gone. My friends were upset but understood, and besides it's 2019 there's the internet. Andrew came home for a week to load a moving truck that we rented and paid for someone to drive. My mother and I drove separately but close together in our own cars up there seeing how she didn't want to get rid of them because my father bought them. My mother drove a blue Mercedes SUV and I drove my red mustang. Andrew couldn't come because of school so we went just the two of us, from Georgia to Idaho.  My father being a pilot left us a very large inheritance, but my mother and he taught Andrew and me to not care for materialistic things. Except for our cars, my brother drove a Lexus. I'm not gonna say how much he left, but it was a couple of millions. Cars were always our weak spot, we bought a nice house that was a little big for us 2 but probably tiny to other people. We moved to a town called Strakesdale and it was small, but it had a Chipotle so it couldn't have been that small. My only hope was that I didn't have to deal with some bigoted homophobic people. I started school that Fall scared like I always am, but for the first time hopeful. I didn't really plan on making new friends because of being afraid of losing my old ones so I just planned. I knew one thing for sure, this year will be the beginning of the rest of my life.  

Author's note: Henry's car

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Author's note: Henry's car

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