Chapter 6: A big mistake

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Dylan's POV:

I'm waiting for Henry at his car hoping to get a couple more hits in. We were waiting for him when all of a sudden the car alarm goes off and scares the living shit out of all of us. Without thinking we all run as fast as we can. I turn back to see that little twerp run into his car and drive off. I. am. pissed. Although I have to admit it was pretty clever, unfortunately for him, cleverness won't save him from tomorrow's beat down.

I get home and my driveway is empty. I pull in and go into the kitchen and find a plate of spaghetti with a note from my mother. "Left some spaghetti for you, just heat it up in the microwave. If that isn't enough there's money on your card so you can buy some food. We'll back tomorrow night. Love you sweetheart!!!"

She leaves a lot of notes like that, it's pretty sweet. I heat up the spaghetti and start eating. I finish and put the plates in the sink and clean them. For some reason though, I can't get that little twerp out of my mind. It's not even that I'm angry, I'm not sure what it is. That trick with the car alarm was pretty smart, and a little funny. I still have to give him a beat down tomorrow, if I don't it will ruin my reputation. I can't let people I might, possibly, just a smidge, tiny bit, feel guilty about hurting him. I spend the rest of the day working out and lifting to take my mind of him, which didn't work. I go to sleep and just think about him trying to forget him.

Henry's POV:

I drive thanking God I left with all my limbs. I know this won't be well tomorrow and I start gagging from my anxiety. I go home and make some homemade limenade. I like lime better than lemons because they're smoother. It's something my mom always made for me and it helps calm my nerves. I sit in my backyard enjoying the sight of my pool and the afternoon sun out. It's been a while since I admired the sun and the pretty blue sky.

I go inside and decide to put some swim trunks on and go for a swim, surprisingly my mom and I haven't gone swimming in it yet. I'm pretty sure she hates swimming though, I have no excuse for it. I get dressed and put some suntan lotion on, I have naturally dark skin but Dylan's is darker and I get jealous over anyone with darker skin than me.

S=Sabine H=Henry

As I lay down and turn on my speaker to play Bleed Magic by IDKHBTFM I get a text from Sabine.


H-"Who's your brother?"

S-"Pete Crawler?"

H-" I'm better with faces than with names):"

S-"He's one of the guys that want to beat u up, sry for being related to someone so awful."

H-"Not your fault, don't hate him for that tho, he's your brother. If I hated my brother for getting into fights I would have to disown him(:"

S-"LOL, thanks, sweetie. But him, Dylan, and their whole group are PISSED."

H-"What r u talking about??"

S"The thing you did with your car alarm, it's funny watching my brother angry."

H-"Woah, this is a town of gossip. It was the only way I could leave that day without some sort of beat down.):"

S-"Yeah I'm trying to calm him down, but he's stubborn AF"

H-"Yeah they all are, I'm scared to go back tomorrow."

S-"You should be, but don't worry I have some diplomatic powers I could use;)"


S-"I'm kinda chummy with the leader of the basketball team, his name is Jack. Long story short he's my ex but we're chill af and he owes me favors."

H-"He's gonna protect me?"

S-"Of course my sweet angel. He's in most of your classes and pretty cool. He won't be able to protect you during your last class tho): I'm sry hun but I can't help u in there."

H-"U've done plenty my beautiful hetero, I'll take anything I could get and that's amazing(:"

S-"I told him to meet u in the parking lot and sent a pic of ur car. BTW he's jealous of ur car. He's the average height somewhat muscular dude with black hair, I gave him ur description and he said he's more than to help."

H-"Will he be enough tho? Dylan and his buddies are all pretty buff?"

S-"His powers are more political than physical. Dylan and my brother have asshole reputations but not even they will dare to pick on someone who put our school on the map for basketball:)"

H-"WOOF, u have no idea how relieved I am. I'm so glad I found a beautiful straight girl to befriend :)"

S-"And I am glad to find a weird, platinum, little gay to become my best friend:) I gotta go throw up now bc my stomach is trying to climb up my throat, bye hun (:"

H-"I could've gone my whole life without reading that. FEEL BETTER SUPERHETERO :))))"

Henry's POV:

I lay by the side of my pool feeling relieved and hoped I can survive my last class tomorrow. I finish the rest of my limeade and do a couple of laps around the pool to help get movement. My mom then came home and I forgot about my bruises. I hide from her and wrap myself in a towel and run to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hi swee-" was all my got to say before I cut her off."HEY, MOM HOPE YOU HAD A GOOD DAY IM GONNA TAKE A SHOWER BYE". I say quickly and run upstairs and run into the shower. It hurts a little, but I deal with it. After I get out I rub a little lotion on them to help. I put a shirt on and go downstairs to talk to her.

"What's up with you, why were you running upstairs?" I make up a lie"I had to pee, really badly." "Sweetie, there's bathroom down here if you needed to go that badly.", she says rolling her eyes. I fake, "Oh yeah, I forgot." I help her make dinner and talked about our day. She talked about one client asked for cocaine and the other tried to grope her. OOF. If there's one thing you don't do to my mother, Lauren Pham Ngyuen-Smith, is touch her without her permission. My dad once surprised hug her from behind in public and she accidentally punched him hard in the nuts. This was before I was born and my brother said he was shocked that my dad was able to have me.

I asked,"What did you do to him?" "Oh honey, uhh let's just say he might have to adopt to have a kid.", she says while grinning and winking. I instinctively grab my balls and cover my legs just hearing about it, kinda feel bad for the dude but not really for groping my mom. Then she asked me the dreaded question.

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