Chapter 24: The school day

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Dylan's POV:

We get out of the car and people started staring. Henry was obviously uncomfortable when he gets nervous like this he starts scratching. He was scratching his arms and neck looking scared. I grabbed his hand," Hey it's okay. Just ignore them, I'll always be here for you."

He smiled at that thought and seemed to feel a little more comfortable. We were walking in holding hands when I remembered what I did this morning, I smacked Henry's ass. Don't get me wrong he had a nice one, but it was probably too early. Did I make him feel assaulted or disgusted? "Hey so are you okay with what I did this morning?" "What are you talking about?"

"You know when I. Smacked your butt." He then remembered," Oh yeah it's fine I don't care. Why do you ask?" I scratched my neck and stopped right before we walked in," I just didn't want you to feel pressured by me."

Henry's POV:

Pressured? What did he mean pressured? "Dylan, what do you mean by that?" He sighed," I know you're a virgin. I just don't want you to feel like you have to have sex with me. I'm happy waiting 30 years if it means I get to be with you." Aww, how sweet. "It's okay I don't feel pressured. I do want to wait though, I don't think I'll be ready for a while." I say looking down at my feet feeling bad.

He's Dylan Forte, the jock king of the school. I always saw him with a bunch of different girls, and he's a normal teenage boy. Most teenage boys are horny like rabbits. He grabbed my chin and made me face him. "What's wrong?" "You shouldn't have to wait, you're needs are stronger than mine. What if I can't help you satisfy them?"

I feel like a complete fool now, what was I thinking. It would be only a matter of time until he leaves me for someone who can satisfy him. Then all of sudden he pulls me into a hug," Ask anyone here. I'm no cheat. I have a reputation for beating up cheaters too." I just hugged him tighter and thanked him. I just hope I won't disappoint him when the time finally comes.

We finally walk in holding hands and everyone is staring at us. All of them in shock and disbelief. I can't say I blame though if I were them I wouldn't believe it either. Hell, I didn't really believe it was happening. We arrived at my locker and so I can grab the necessary things I need for the day when Sabine, Jack, Evan, and Alice came up to us. "Now what have we here?" Alice interjected. Then Sabine let out a big smile and started jumping a little," OH MY GOD. PLEASE TELL ME IT HAPPENED."

Dylan and I and just looked at each other a little confused, then looked at Sabine giving a 'What do you mean' look. Jack then started," Alright out with you two. What's going on?" I closed my locker and Dylan put his arm around my shoulders while I wrapped my arms around his torso. Alice and Sabine let out a giant shriek while Jack and Evan just gave big smiles. Sabine went and hugged me while Dylan still hugged me. Then Alice did the same to Dylan while Jack and Evan wrapped their arms around all of us.

With me, stuck in the middle, fun. I let out a little whimper," Guys, I hate group hugs." They all said in unison," Deal with it." I hate these assholes. Evan, Sabine, and Alice walked away to their first class while Dylan, Jack, and I walked to ours. We walked into class and much to our surprise the teacher wasn't there.

The substitute was pretty nice and told us as long as we didn't kill each other or scream our heads off we can do whatever we wanted. Jack, Dylan, and I sat on the carpeted ground with a couple of other students that I didn't know. Everyone seemed actually very supportive, some even apologized to me for how they treated me.

I never cared enough to hold grudges, too much work to get angry over. Everyone is talking while leaning our backs on the wall except for me. Dylan was leaning his back against the wall I sat happily in his lap with his arms around me.

I decided to give a Dylan a quick a peck on the cheek while he returned one on my forehead. When he did that I laid my head in his neck just resting. That's when Jack threw an empty water bottle at us. "EEWWW, get a room you two." Dylan just squeezed me tighter and pulled me impossibly closer," Hey leave my little prince alone. He's mine and I'm gonna show my affection. wherever and whenever I want." Geez, who knew meathead junior could be such a sap.

We all hung out and just sitting and talking, some of the guys who threw ugly notes at me explained they just wanted to be accepted and felt bad. I could understand that though, deep down everyone just wants to be accepted by people. Whether that be by everyone or but those they respect. I assured them that I forgave them and understood.

We were halfway through class hanging out and talking, turns out some of the jocks like Doctor Who. Looks like some jocks can be a little nerdy. I tried to get up, but Dylan wouldn't let me up. This boy really does like to cuddle, good thing it's cold and I'm very cold-blooded.

I tried to pry him off but his big ass hands were too much for me. Dylan rested on my shoulder," I'm not letting you go. Get used to that." I was started to get a little annoyed," Dylan if you don't let me up I'm gonna take a piss in your lap." He let out an annoyed sighed and hesitantly let me go. I stood up and patted his head," Don't worry meathead junior, I'll be back in a little bit."

I ran out of the class feeling like my bladder was gonna fucking explode. I walked into the bathroom and did my business and went to wash my hands. I was looking down at my hands cleaning them as I was singing a lullaby from the marvel show, The Gifted. I like a lot of music from a lot of shows.

As I finished washing my hands I went to finish drying my hands I saw them walk in, Alex and Jackson. They may not be as strong Dylan, but a 10 yr old is stronger than me. Jackson went around behind me while Alex stayed in front of me making sure I don't escape. I'm so screwed, I stole their best friend and made him my boyfriend. Alex broke the silence," Hey there little faggot. We've been looking for you."

"Guys I'm sorry for what I've done. Please I understand, If I were in your shoes I would've been so angry. Neither one of us expected this to happen. Dylan and I dating don't mean your friendship has to end, let's put the past behind us." I'm trying to say everything and anything I can to reason with them. It was understandable they were angry.

I needed help, I need to call Dylan or Jack but I left my phone in the classroom. They both shrouded me," You infected our friend with your disease. He was gonna become a quarterback and get a football scholarship. He was gonna go off to college and make everyone proud, now he can't.", Jackson said.

Alex grabbed me by my arms and pushed me hard into the wall, it definitely will leave a mark. I tried to pull myself out but Alex kept my arms down and used his feet to make sure my feet stay in place. "Please Alex, Jackson. This doesn't have to happen. I'll make sure Dylan won't hurt you." Jackson started laughing," You think we need your protection? That's funny twerp, let us show you funny we can be."

Jackson pulls out a bandana and muffles my mouth with it. Then Jackson gives me a big punch in the gut, it hurt like a mother fucker. I tried to scream and bend over but Alex wouldn't let me. Jackson gives me another punch in the stomach and Alex dropped me. I fell immediately to the ground clenching my stomach, it hurt so much. Then Alex kicked me in the back a bunch of times, afterwards, he sat down on my chest.

He put his all his weight on me crushing me, I was struggling to breathe. I tried to push him off but Jackson held my hands down. I tried to kick and scream, but my they muffled my mouth again. Jackson kneeled down and whispered," We're gonna be around everywhere. Stay away from Dylan, or else." They got up and walked out of the bathroom while leaving me on the ground in pain.

After about five minutes I was able to get up and walk back to class. I sat down at my desk and put my headphones in, Dylan walked over and rubbed my back. "Hey you were gone for a while, is everything okay?" "Oh uh yeah, just not feeling well. If you don't mind I'm just gonna lay my head down and then head home after class." He wrapped his arm around me," Come lay on me, I know it's uncomfortable for skinny guys to sleep on desks."

I pushed him away," No thanks Dylan, I'll be fine." I put my head down and he walked away upset, and it broke my heart. I didn't want to, I wanted to lay on his shoulder and for him to hold me, but Alex and Jackson terrified me. Dylan was angry enough at them, I would just make it worse. He and I can't happen, I knew it was too good to be true. I just hope he won't revert back to his old ways and can forgive me.

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