Chapter 1: False hope

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POV: Henry

I woke up at 7 AM from stupid alarm, I wanted to fucking destroy it. I got up and got in my shower and began getting ready for school. When I got out I put on an Xlarge black sweatshirt over a basic white tee with a pair of super skinny black ripped jeans. Well, not super skinny on me. Metabolism, it's all I gotta say. I also wear my favorite beanie with pins in it over my hair and letting my messy bangs hang covering my right eye.

My mother knocked and came in," Oh honey you look so lovely. I packed your lunch downstairs I hope you enjoy." I smile at her and grabbed my bag and say, "Thanks mom, are you nervous about your first day at your new job?" Her eyes widened and said stuttering and chuckling nervously, "W-w-well are you nervous about your first day at school?" I look at her glaring her overdramatically and say, "We will discuss this later dear mother." We laugh and walked downstairs when I opened my lunch bag I smile and look at my mom. "My favorite homemade eggrolls with sweet sauce." I hug my mom resting my chin on her head because she's a little short. (Yes I know the Asian stereotype)

I walk out to my car at 7:45, but before I start I see a text from my brother Andrew. It was a video, when I played it, it was him and his friends wishing me the best of luck on my first day. I wondered how he made it seeing it's like 5 where my brother is. I look closer and see it was sent last night. I sent him a text saying thank you and how much I appreciated. That's the kind of sweet dumb shit my brother does, even tho he can be an ass. I start my car and leave to go to school with my GPS because I still didn't know where to go after being in Starkesdale for a month.

I pull in and see this really tall guy standing at his dodge charger. He was so hot, my mouth dropped open. Before I got out I snapped back to reality, I put my one headphone in and started to listening to Nervous breakdown by Palaye Royale. I look at him and he notices me, it's a small town so he didn't recognize me and grinned. Not in a good way though, like a 'you better watch the fuck out' way. I immediately speed walk to the entrance, so much for keeping a low profile.

I got there at 8 and classes didn't start till 8:30 so I had time to get my schedule and for a hopeful tour. I get a little lost but a teacher pointed me to where the front office was. I get there and inform them I'm new. The lady was nice and handed me my schedule and my locker combination. When I'm about to leave some random brunette girl came up behind me and scared me a little.

"Hey there, my name is Sabine Crawler," she says to me holding out for a handshake and smiling a little. I look at her and smiled a little while shaking her hand a little confused. "Hi, I'm Henry Smith," I say. The front desk lady informed saying she was my tour guide. I oh'd cleared it all up. She interlocks her arm with mine, and says, "Come on dude I'll show you your locker."

Sabine takes me out to the hallway around the corner to show me my locker. I enter my combination and it clicks but is jammed. I tried pulling hard, but I couldn't get it open. I never was known for my muscles seeing as is I never had any. My dad and Andrew were always muscle. Sabine interrupts and says, "Here let me try." She enters it and with a little pulling, she opened it. Some people stare and laugh a little and I get a little embarrassed, but I'm used to everyone being stronger than me. She apologized for showing off and I comforted her saying I was used to it explaining my thin arms.

Sabine showed me all of my classes and the lunch and said I had 2nd lunch and that we're not allowed to leave campus which didn't bother me. She was actually really nice and I hoped she would eventually be a friend. She asked if had any questions and I said no. Then she asked, "I'm sorry but I have to ask because it's kinda obvious but are you gay?" I stand a little shocked, but not really and I said yes. To my surprise, she sighed in relief, "Oh thank God, almost all the guys here are douchebags and I could use a gay friend." I, a little confused, but laughed a little, "Yeah a straight high school girl needs a gay best friend." She hugged me and said, "Most definitely, but be careful. Strakesdale is a small town with kind of a small-town mentality." I thanked her for the warning and we walked off in different directions and I went off to math first, unfortunately late.

I walk in and all eyes land on me, shit. The teacher asks me why I was late and I said I was on a tour for being new. She understood and sat me down, when I looked back I see the hot guy with a dodge in a parking lot.

I'm dead.

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