2-Not the Only Ones

Start from the beginning

"Why do I feel really bad for saying that to her" Katrina says to Barry.
"Mr. Allen, Miss Ivory, while I am extremely eager to determine your full range of abilities I do caution restraint" Dr. Wells tells them.
"Yeah sure" Katrina says. Cisco comes back over to them, handing each the modified helmets, and attaching the modified lighting bolt device to their outfits. They walk up to the starting positions, and get down into a running position, looking back they watch Wells but on sunglasses, then they look at one another.

 They walk up to the starting positions, and get down into a running position, looking back they watch Wells but on sunglasses, then they look at one another

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"We got this" Katrina says to Barry.
"Yeah, sure we got this" he replies hesitant. Barry and Katrina then take off running, they can feel their bodies going fast and faster, Katrina feels the wind wiping by her body. Adrenaline courses through her body, and she gets a electric sensation, as she watched Barry rush by her. She sees him running just as fast as she is, lighting following him. It's an amazing feeling running faster than anyone, and she enjoys it. That's when she sees Barry start to lose control, and he crashes into the barrels, she manages to stop, and goes to him to make sure he is okay.

"Oh, God Barry, are you okay" Katrina asks as she pushes the now empty barrels away from his body. He groans in pain holding his now fractured hand.

Once back at S.T.A.R labs Caitlin checks over Barr's hand, and they get changed into regular clothes. They are gathered in the cortex waiting for Caitlin to tell Barry his results. "It looks like you had a distal radius fracture" she tells Barry showing him his broken wrist scan on a tablet.

"Wait, did you say had?" Katrina asks.
Caitlin swipes the screen and we see a now healed picture of Barry's wrist, the scan she took again only minutes ago. "It's healed. In three hours"
"How is that even possible?" Barry asks her.

 In three hours""How is that even possible?" Barry asks her

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"We don't know, yet" Caitlin says walking away.
"Do you know if I would heal the same way?" Katrina asks her.
"We won't know until you get injured" she hears Caitlin say.
Cisco walks by Barry, with his wrecked helmet, "You really need to learn to stop. Kat got it on the first try" he says bugging Barry.

"Only my close friends can call me Kat" Katrina suddenly says still unsure whether to trust these people or not.

"What happened out there today?" Dr. Wells asks Barry, "You were moving pretty well and then something caused you to lose focus. Miss Ivory managed to keep her mind straight"
"I started remembering something" Barry says and Wells gives him a look wanting to know more.

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