A Special Sort of Problem

Start from the beginning

"Dancing with you."

"I remember telling you that I can't dance."

"Fine." He pulled her close to him, one arm holding her waist while the other held her hand close to his chest. "We will not dance, we will merely sway in time to the music. Sound doable to you?"

Since Carter's body was already responding to Donovan's lead, she had no choice but to accept.

"Is this the part where you surprise me by telling me you're actually a phenomenal dancer?"

He laughed, the sound vibrating through Carter's chest. "I can assemble a Remington 700 rifle more easily than I can dance. No, I thought since this is your Prom you should have at least one dance."

"Are you assuming that if I didn't dance at least once I would be crushed for the remainder of my life?"

"No. But I figured it might be a memory you would want to share one day with your daughter. If she ever turned out differently than you."

"You mean she would be a normal teenage girl?"

"It's a possibility."

"One I have never given much thought to." Donovan was silent and she studied his calm expression. "Have you given it much thought?"

In answer, he merely pulled her closer and said nothing. A smile tugged at Carter's lips as she turned over the implications of his silence.

The smile froze when a masked figure emerged from a dim hallway.

The blood in Carter's veins turned cold as the figure was followed by six others. All of them were masked and fit. They wore tuxes as if they were trying blend in.

Carter's hand tightened around Donovan's and he instantly stopped moving.

"Hallway. Six o'clock."

As if continuing to dance, Donovan rotated them.

"I counted seven hostiles," she said, her voice calm though her heart was pounding. "I think they are concealing guns beneath their jackets."

"It's too dark to tell, but I think you're right. We can't bring attention to them or we will cause a panic." Donovan's words came quickly but his voice was even, as if keeping it that way could control the situation. "They haven't made a move to anyone specific yet, so we have time. We split up." His arm reflexively tightened around her as if he hated the thought of leaving her. "We'll take them from either side. I'll take the right."


Donovan kissed her deeply and was gone, cutting through the crowd.

Carter carved her way through the dense mass as the music switched to something upbeat. Couples let out cheers as they loosened their holds on each other.

Slipping into the shadows, Carter used the cover to creep along the wall. The group of masked guys had divided and four of them were heading her way. The music pounded against Carter's ears and spiked her heartbeat. Every cell in her body was shot with adrenaline.

The group was so focused on the dancing mob of students, that they didn't notice Carter's presence.

Before they knew what was happening, she was attacking. She slammed her fist into one attacker's face, breaking his nose, and kicked another in the stomach, winding him. The attackers staggered back in shock while she turned to the other two guys. She laid one out with a fast 1-2 sequence to the face and stomach. Spinning around, she clipped the final guy with the heel of her shoe, sending him crumpling to the ground.

The battle was over so quickly that no one noticed what had happened. A second later, Donovan found her with all her opponents moaning on the ground around her. She met his gaze.

"You take care of your men?" she asked.

He gave her a nod and raised a handgun.

"I got their weapons as well."

He pointed it at one of the moaning bodies. Before Carter could stop him he fired.

"Donovan!" The exclamation was ripped from her.

But nothing happened. On the floor the guy twitched at the cold water that soaked his shirt.

"All of them are water guns," Donovan said.

Carter knelt down and pulled off the guy's mask. Lucas was scowling back at her.

"What did you do to me?" he asked, still trying to regain his breath.

"Are you behind this prank?" she asked.

"Owens, you can be a real b-"

Carter punched him, knocking him out.

When she stood up, Donovan was smiling at her.


He shrugged. "Nothing, except there's something amusing but completely normal about you surrounded by beaten guys."

She smiled and waved her hands to the helpless pranksters.

"So, do you think this is one of those Prom memories you were talking about?" 

"Definitely. Our daughter will love it."

Before Carter could process his choice of words, the door opened and her father walked in. He eyed the scene and then pointed to them.

"That's it," he said. "I'm banning you from the training courses for a month."



Why am I yelling?

Oh I know why!!! Cause this is the beginning of something epic! A story with apparently no end whatsoever despite what I thought! A whole freaking book full of these little chapter treasures!

I love that you're here and that you want to continue on this journey with this band of bada**es!

Now that I have calmed down let me start yelling about something else...what was I excited about before this...Carter...Donovan...our daughter...oh that's right!

JUMPING JELLYBEANS!! Donovan basically announced he wanted to marry Carter and have a family! Excuse me while I proceed to faint. *faints*

(If you want to see if that dream come true just jump to the end of this book! ☺️)

Anyways tell me something you're flipping out about? Happy things!

Because we would crash Wattpad if everyone commented about the annoying person they interacted with today.

Random fact! Donovan and Carter's song is Tear in My Heart by Twenty-One Pilots. (murphnturf look I spelled it right!) If you heard the song then you will get why this is the case!

Vote for the love of moose everywhere! Comment on the nature of nature! Follow the way of the deer!
(What does that mean? Like I even know! But I'm sure it's awesome)

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