Chapter 12

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I was quickly thinking up a program for class 1-A's field trip tomorrow and decided I'd do a rescue mission style hero course trip. I wrote down all the details and finally I had to decide which teachers had to take them. Definitely All Might since the trip will be during his lesson with them. I wrote down All Might and analysized the situation, Eraser Head and Thirteen would be good. But before I could write their names down, my door burst open and I saw Izuku Midoriya drag in Katsuki Bakugou and All Might.

"Nezu~sensei!!!!! I need to ask you something super important!!!!!"

The almost breathless Izuku Midoriya then let go of the two he dragged behind him and started muttering non-stop about his armband and wouldn't stop. A minute finally passed before Katsuki Bakugou placed a hand on his shoulder and his chattering came to a stand still. I wonder if that means a full minute has to pass before he can be stopped?

The thought was brief before Midoriya started up again, slower.

"One for All and I did a little experiment and we found out that whenever I talk to a familiar an eigth of a leaf on my arm band will look as if it's been polished! If not, the leaf is usually a dull gold. I'm not sure what it means but all I know is that mum said I've just always had this armband and it's probably made for me since she found it in the waterfall nearby our home in the woods within the minute I was born. It also changes sizes and fits perfectly on my arm. Does this also mean something? I've thought a lot and it made me wonder if I could try and fill all the leaves and then see what happens? In order to do that though, I'm going to need to see everyone's familiars and although that's easy for me, it's not that easy for the humans when a familiar starts getting away from them. I thought really hard and thought of many ways to try and convince people to try and let me see their familiars but then that would cause more people to find out about my ability. That's why I dragged these two here because now everyone in this room, presumably all the teachers and a few others from my past, are all the people who know. I wanted to pinpoint a way that I can see familiars and I found one that needed the cooperation of everyone currently here. Interested?"

I quickly took in the information before asking my familiar to show me to an outcome that would work. It didn't take long but I wasn't able to pinpoint a surefire way without others finding out or be suspicious of the plan.
I sighed knowing that there was no way to refuse this kid. Both from him being the decider of a potential war and the fact that he shows more intelligence than almost anyone. He didn't even know of the bet that the Symbol of Evil and the Symbol of Peace made on him and here he is currently showing more intelligence than everyone I've met. What are the chances that this boy will destroy the bet and find a better solution no one has ever even thought of just like this moment here with the question about familiars. I gave a smile to Izuku Midoriya before waving my hand to indicate he can go on.

"Okay, so here is the basic plan. Since everyone already knows I'm without a familiar, it's almost pointless for me to go to Toshi~sensei's class since he does lessons based on improving the bond between familiars and humans and explore different ways of using their powers to the fullest potential. During this time, I prepose that I have an area to myself where I sit with a familiar and get to know them better whilst the human is told they are to improve their physical state by training with Kacchan himself."

I looked over and saw that Katsuki Bakugou was slightly pink at the name so I'm assuming that he's 'Kacchan'. But something puzzled me, why him of all people? Wouldn't he need to train too? I voiced my concerns and Izuku happily smiled and explained.

" Actually, it's because me and Kacchan are childhood friends since we were born and I was with him for 4 years before he moved deeper into the city. His familiar appeared really early, in fact it was almost a whole year early and it turned out to be an explosion dragon. I seemed to be able to communicate with familiars since I was born apparently because speech isn't needed for thought connection, because of this, Kacchan never needed to be befriend his familiar the long hard way since I connected the two for them. I also told Kacchan everything Explosion needed so there were no fights between the two. Kacchan has been using what Explosion told me was 36% of his full potential at the age of 4 and when I had a chat with him yesterday, he said that Kacchan's physical body needed to be improved in order to pass the 80% boundary."

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