Going for a Run- Edited

Start from the beginning

“Yes you are.”

He looked back to Derek.  Smiling big up at him, he loved Derek which was great, and Derek loved him too, it seems.  I guess I have my hands full.  I walked over sit on the couch next to Derek as Jake started to pull a few puzzles out from a chest that held his toys in downstairs.  I sang along as a new episode of Mickey Mouse Club House came on, as did Jake.  Derek raised an eyebrow at me and I just shrugged and continued to sing. Jake soon wanted to play hide and seek.  Jake was to hide and Derek and I had to look for him.  After we finished counting we called “Ready or no here we come.”

I smiled, I always got a bit worried when playing hiding seek with Jake, afraid that he could get into something he shouldn’t.  Mainly outside, no telling where he could go hiding.  I always worried about him.  But with Derek here, he could most likely sense him, so Derek would know if Jake was safe.  We found Jake hiding in a closet downstairs.  I smiled at him, “You’re it.”

He ran out and instead of him counting he does the begging and ending chants for Dragon tales.  Derek hid in the kitchen while I hid in the living room.  Jake found me first, “great job buddy, now go find Derek.” 

“Okay.”  He ran off to look in the kitchen, I followed him.  I heard him shout, “I win, I win.  I got you.”

Jake was holding onto Derek’s leg.  Derek started to walk towards me with Jake on his leg.  “I have a growth.”

I laughed at the two of them.  “Ray, can you read me a story?”  Jake asked, letting go of Derek’s leg.

“Sure kiddo, why don’t you go pick out a book.”  He took running into the living room to go find a book.

I looked back Derek.  “Well don’t you two get along.”  I said smiling to him, while crossing my arms across my chest.

“Yeah well, kids naturally love me.”

“Yeah, sure they do.”

I hear Jake yell that he found a book, so Derek and I walked back into the living room.  I took the book from Jake and sat down on the couch, with him on my lap.  Derek stood against the wall watching us.  I began to read the story to Jake, it was about pirates, kid friendly of course.  I even used different voices for the different characters.  Jake loved that I would use different voices, he would always clap his little hands together, and smile. Once I was finished reading the book, I had Jake put puzzles together, then told him to match different of some of his toys together by their color.  He was doing well, still working on the puzzles.  Derek soon went to the kitchen to start on dinner, where did time go?

I went to go help, I had to cut the vegetables, and then hand him whatever it was that he needed. I would stick my head in the living room to check on Jake every five minutes or so.  He continued to play with his puzzles, then match his toys, and then he pulled out his coloring books and crayons.  I walked in and told Jake that he need to put the toys that he was done playing with away.  He did as he was told, and I hugged him, for listening, and doing what he was told.  Mom got home around that time, and looked at me, and Jake.  She walked to me, and hugged me, I was shocked at first, but soon I hugged her back.  Derek came out of the kitchen and looked at my mother, she bowed her head, and he held a hand up.  He smiled at her, and at me.  He walked over, and put his arm around my shoulders.  “Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

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