Question mark??? (Plus a bonus drabble)

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Okay everyone so I've realized that I'm incapable of doing anything useful because my brain is too clogged up with Sanders Sides content (literally to the point where I was on tumblr, found a Sanders Sides Beetlejuice AU (I'd 100% link it if I could but Wattpad is stupid (but if you want to check it out it's by the-officially-kat on tumblr, they're fantastic)) and I took like two hours out of my day to illegally download it and watch the movie cause I haven't in years. I kinda forgot Winona Ryder was in it???) so anyways I've been trying to write again

Except I can't really convince myself to like,,, actually write

So here's something I was considering: have y'all seen those bulletpoint fics? Coconut-cluster on tumblr writes them a lot (yet another thing I got distracted with today, go check them out I b e g of you) and I think I'm gonna give it a try, but only if y'all are cool with that. It basically just means I write down individual details in bullet points instead of in sentence and paragraph format, plus then I don't have to follow a strict storyline.

I think it would be pretty cool actually because 1) it's pretty close to what my planning stage already looks like, if not one and the same so it takes less time to write 2) there's less room for messed up grammar and small details and 3) there's WAY more room for comedy in there. Seriously, I can be so stupid with this

I'm currently working on one that I think will be pretty cool in this form, but I'd like to know if y'all are cool with the bulletpoint fic or if you'd rather I write it out completely.

Also!!! I'm an entire ass idiot. Yesterday, I was bored and didn't want to handle my responsibilities, so instead I was like "you know what? I should write something. And you know what? I'm gonna do a writing warmup to help get myself into the creative mindset!"

So then I wrote a drabble. A real, 100 word exactly drabble. And you know what I did after that?

A b s o l u t e l y  n o t h i n g.

Yeah I went and read a book instead of using creative brainpower. I'm a dumb bitch, buuuuuuut I thought y'all might want to see the drabble I wrote anyways! You can absolutely fight me in the comments if you're not down with it already being October.

 I'm a dumb bitch, buuuuuuut I thought y'all might want to see the drabble I wrote anyways! You can absolutely fight me in the comments if you're not down with it already being October

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It's spooky season now and forever, babey

But yeah, hope you enjoyed my attempt at a drabble (sis it's hard, I had more I wanted to include but no) and if I ever try to do a writing warmup like this again, I'll probably include it as a bonus on a chapter.

Thanks for listening to my rambling and let me know if you have an opinion on the bulletpoint thing!

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