I'm sorry y'all :(

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Look so... I grossly overestimated my free time when I said I'd do this. I've been behind on writing like hell. I've only read like an eighth of To Kill A Mockingbird and I still have to read The Road which is apparently boring as fuck. My dad is probably gonna pull up some whole new project (probably redoing my bathroom, we've been discussing it for a while) and I won't have any free time cause I'll be working on it yet again. Plus, my phone is having major battery issues and can't get fixed until next Friday, which means it's a gamble of whether or not I can publish every day until then. So, unfortunately, I have to say...

I'm dropping the writing challenge.

Honestly? I'm surprised/proud that I got this far, I figured I might have to drop out after like... a week? But hey, I got 15 total days done, even if they weren't all my best work. I hope y'all aren't too upset, but as a consolation, I'll still be writing 4 or 5 more of the prompts because I really like them, just not on that day. For example, I'll still be writing the prompt for today, I might just end up publishing it in like... a week. I don't know, writing is the only thing I ever do but I can still never focus on it. 🤷‍♀️

Again, I'm sorry to all of y'all, but I think it's ihonestly the best thing for me and my mental health cause I've been stressing about this like a motherfucker. I've taken time out of talking to my family to work on this instead, and honestly I only regret not talking to my mom uwu

Maybe now that I'm not so swamped with trying to write, I can get to those requests I've been... well, not ignoring, just unable to think of anything for. Idk, we'll see what happens.

Thank y'all for being supportive and encouraging me every day. I appreciate it immensely. Sorry to let y'all down.

Cheers, queers 💖💜💙 and remember to hydrate, don't die-drate.

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