Day 9 - Fall

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Ok I had this idea based on this one path in the town my grandpa lives in because it's so pretty in fall??? The trees turn colors and the path gets covered in leaves and plus I l o v e fall aesthetics so naturally

This is probably short but hey it'll hopefully be fluffy enough to make up for it

(human AU by the way in case I don't happen to mention anything that clarifies that)

Around 11 or so last night, I was writing out notes for this in my notebook and it occured to me. Remember that oneshot where they all knew each other when they were young and then they moved away? I never gave it an actual title so the chapter is called 'Huzzah, A Request (Finally)'. Well, here's the story of how Roman proposed in the end. In case you're wondering, this is mostly so I don't have to invent a new dog for them.

Virgil's POV

I sat on the couch, looking through tumblr as per usual. I was scrolling through some terrible blog (I think it's called shittycryptids?) when Roman texted me. Keep in mind, he's literally right next to me on the couch.

Ro💖: Hey babe let's go for a walk

I punched him in the arm. "I'm right here, you could have said that out loud, you dork."

"Not using technology to communicate? In this economy?"

"Fair enough. But isn't it cold out?"

"I mean, I guess a little," he said, shrugging, "but it's fall and the trees would be really pretty," he said, trying to sell me on it. I sighed.

"Fine," I said, giving in. We both got up and I bitched and moaned the entire time as I put on a coat and a scarf. "Walking seems a lot like effort though."

Roman insisted that we bring Ben too, because we 'don't walk him enough.' I've been walking him every day, but sure. Go off I guess.

I hadn't put on gloves. Roman hadn't either. This was mostly because we wanted to hold hands, even if it was cold as all hell out. But this walk was worth it because Roman was right. The trees were beautiful. A few rays of sun were shining through the clouds, and the gravel path we walked on was covered in leaves of all different colors. It was gorgeous.

It'd be a lot more pretty if it weren't so fucking cold, though.

"Ro, I'm cold," I muttered into my scarf.

"Do you want to put on gloves?"

"Hell no, I intend on holding your hand this entire walk." He smiled at me and it made me just slightly less bitter. Just a little.

Ben, meanwhile, was running around and sniffing everything he could find. It sort of slowed us down, with his tiny legs and all, but I didn't mind. Even if I was cold, I could take my time walking with Roman here forever.

We came to the end of the path and decided to walk through town a little bit. We passed this new cafe, and Roman insisted that we go in. The sign said that you were allowed to bring your dog in, which is great. We found a table and sat down. Roman ordered two hot chocolates and a Lamington. (tHE LAMINGTONS MAKE A RETURN EVERYBODY)

When the hot chocolate got to the table, I reached for it right away. Mostly to emphasize how cold I was. As I took a cautious sip of my hot chocolate, Roman stared at me. Not in a creepy way, but more in a "dumb and in love" kind of way. It made me feel... nervous, almost? Like butterflies in my stomach, which was weird considering how long we've been together.

"What?" I smiled at his expression.

"You're cute," he said. Was I blushing? I must have been.

"Not as cute as you," I mumbled, taking another sip of hot chocolate. I watched as Roman took the tiny fork we had been given and took off a piece of the Lamington. He held the fork up to my mouth.



"Fine," I sighed and opened my mouth. The cake was really good, but I was sort of embarrassed. Like, everything Roman is doing is like... almost sickeningly sweet. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and he's always affectionate, just not usually to this degree.

The barista gave us a dog treat for Ben on the way out. I say we left too soon, because it was warm in there and it's still cold outside. But our hot chocolate was in to-go cups, so we could take it with us on the way home.

As I stepped outside, I tried to walk back the way we came. Roman pulled me the other way.

"Aren't we going back to the apartment?"

"Let's go the scenic route," he said. Why do I love this dumbass so much? I let him drag me along further through the town until we reached this empty, wide-open area. It was this big circle and around the edges were more trees. It was beautiful. I've said this a lot about the trees, but they really are breathtaking.

I looked around a bit in wonder, and when I looked back next to me, Roman was kneeling. On one knee.

"Are you... tying your shoe?"

"No, I- no," he said. Then it clicked. He's... oh. Oh. Wow, I...

"About 20 years ago, in first grade, I met a boy. A very cute boy. I went home and told my mother that I'd like to marry him. She... she didn't approve. She thought it was wrong and said it would go away. By second grade, it hadn't. I still wanted to marry the cute boy I played with on the playground every day." Was I crying? I was definitely crying. So long, makeup, but I think it's worth it.

"...Now that I think about it, I was probably a bad influence on my siblings, who all got gayer too." I laughed a bit, wiping away a tear. I ignored the smudged eyeshadow that had rubbed off on my hand as he kept talking.

"She said that we'd have to move. I probably wasn't the only reason, but it was probably a factor. It pulled me away from him. I lost contact with him until a few years ago. And we found each other again.

"Since then, my mother has changed. Honestly, I think she had to, with so many little queers running around." Roman was crying at this point too, but he kept going. "So today, with her approval, and Patton's blessing since he's the closest thing to your parents that I can contact, I'd like to ask that boy to be my husband." He pulled out a box and opened it. Inside was a ring with a black band and a purple gem. My colors.

"So Virgil, will you marry me?" I sobbed against my own will.

"I- yes, obviously, yes," I said. He stood up and I wasted no time in kissing him. Ben was barking, looking for attention, by the time we pulled apart.

"I- thank you," I said, still crying a bit.

"For what?"

"For... everything, I guess. For being a great boyfriend, for finding me, for wanting to marry me, cause who in their right mind-" I cut myself off before I got too negative because now isn't the time.

"Of course." He took the ring out of the box and put it on my finger. I kissed him again. "So do you want to go home now or do you want to walk a little more?"

"I mean, how could the rest of this walk compare to that," I joked. "But yeah, I'd like to walk for a little." He smiled and I melted a bit. Wow, when did I get so cliche?

I leaned my head on his shoulder as we walked home. "I love you," I said, just loud enough for him to hear.

"I love you too."

And wouldn't you know, I'm not so cold anymore.

Wow I never thought I'd be able to write something that I could officially tag on AO3 as 'tooth-rotting fluff' but here it is, folks. I've been super delayed in writing (like I'm writing this on the 8th, I'm not thriving) but I think god is smiling upon me, because it's raining which means I get to hide in my room all day and write. And considering I wrote this in like an hour and a half, I might be able to get like 2 more done today. Yeet 

Honestly? So glad to have some time to write because boy howdy I have not in the past like 3 days, otherwise I'd have a lot more planned

(Edit: i did not get two done that day. I got like... 2/3 of the next chapter, then I watched Hercules and made a friendship bracelet. oops)

Cheers, queers! 💖💜💙 and remember to hydrate, don't die-drate

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