"katie, you do not need to apologize for anything," i told her firmly. she just rolled her eyes a little, so i repeated myself.

"i guess," she mumbled, laying down on the bed. i slowly moved to lay next to her, wrapping my arm around her waist and holding her close to me. after a couple minutes there was a gentle knock on the door before the door handle twisted open. rose stood there, just looking at us.

"hey," katie said, sitting up slightly to look at her best friend. rose nodded a little before sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"i'm sorry, k," rose muttered quietly, wrapping katie up in a hug. their hug lasted for at least a minute, but i didn't say anything. and neither did katie, she just sat there hugging her friend. when they finally pulled away rose stood up, katie following behind. she grabbed my hand and pulled me up with her, giving me a small smile.

when we got out to the living room ashton and calum were sitting on the couch. calum glanced at katie and a look of guilt took over his face, but katie stopped him.

"it's okay, calum. no harm done," she said, causing him to let out a small sigh and nod. i dropped katie's hand and headed into the kitchen, grabbing myself a snack. as i stood there and ate, calum walked in.

"hey," he said, that guilty look back on his face.

"hi," i mumbled in response. we both just stood there, neither of us knowing what to say. what even was there to say? i knew he didn't mean to hurt me.

"it's okay, cal." he just looked at me, still not seeming satisfied.

"i shouldn't have been so against you two. she makes you happy and i'm sorry for being a dick about that." i gave him a small smile before wrapping my arms around him. he hugged me back and gave me a smile before going back out to the living room.

when i went back out everyone was watching some random movie. i sat down on the floor in front of katie's chair, nobody talking.

"what did you say to michael last night?" katie asked quietly, her voice barely audible.

"i made something up about liam calling you, i hope that's okay." that was actually a solid excuse, calum. we all agreed on a story as we continue watching the movie.

"we can still go to the beach tomorrow, right?" rose asked, so we planned out a little beach day. katie texted michael to invite him, but he said no. i invited aiden and dan and they agreed to meet us there.


katie's pov

"guys, let's go!" calum yelled at rose and i as we got ready. it was time to go to the beach and i was pretty excited, it had been a while since i'd been. rose and i gathered our things and went out into the living room to meet the boys.

"katie, will you tell luke to hurry up?" calum asked me as he tapped his foot impatiently. i nodded my head before slowly opening luke's door. he was scribbling some words down in his worn out notebook, not ready at all to leave.

"lucas!" i yelled at him, causing him to jump. i closed the door quietly and sat down on the bed next to him, trying to peak into the notebook before he shut it.

"sorry, i got an idea. i'll only be a second." although he sounded like he was going to get ready, he wrapped his arms around me and laid down on top of me. i started to laugh, trying to push him off of me with no luck.

"calum's going to yell at us if we don't hurry," i managed to say in between fits of giggles. luke sighed before standing, sliding his shorts down with no hesitation. my face went red seeing him in his tight boxers, and i quickly looked away as he saw me staring. when i looked back over he was still just standing there looking at me with a smirk. i just shook my head at him before standing up. i snuck around him and out the door, yelling for him to hurry up with a laugh.

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