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|| You, Me and Penny Green ||

| Being forewarned, this can be gruesome |

| Chapter Twenty Seven |

| Chapter Twenty Seven |

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It fell heavily that very morning and stuck to the moistened ground exactly like Alice had predicted. The freezing water crunched under her boots, which usually would be satisfying, not today. Unfortunately, this prophecy did not wither away as Iris, and a lot of them, had hoped it would. No, this was a day in epiphany.

The trees seemed to sing a chilling tune in the recesses of Iris's mind, haunting yet melodic nonetheless. She glanced to the left and right of her and found the familiar; friends, strangers and endless love's alike, all willing to risk their nomadic paradise for an odd supernatural pairing in the small town of Forks. She wanted to weep with gratitude and wail with anguish at the same time. However, she kept her blank composure for the sake of appearances. If the fearless redhead could stare in the eyes of death and danger, than of what were they to fear.

Donny. Her sweet, wide eyed and attentive little boy standing beside a friendly four legged beast. His fluttering heart skipping beats every now and again with the slightest movement of the group. He was anxious, heart wrenchingly so. From what his parents had confessed to them in preparation for the day, stayed with him, and he dreaded the thought of never seeing his family again if thing went sour. Iris wouldn't even have him here, in the comfort of Emily's with Morgan and Penelope, if his presence wasn't the main reason for the debacle that ensued.

Embry, standing way past her height she'd have to crane her neck just to stare the ferocious wolf in the eyes. They were spread out in the offensive positions, for now. The lines tiered off in a diamond shape for a clear visual of everyone on their side. The wind howled, whipping Iris free wisps, from her fishtail braid, back and forth. She inhaled, practically tasting the essence of war in the air. It was bitter, frigid and saturated with fear.  

You, Me and Penny Green 2 | Edward CullenWhere stories live. Discover now