Chaoter 29

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Tyler's P.O.V

It's been two days and My blinds have always been open and Abby's always been shut. It feels weird how we can be so close but yet so far apart. I see Brenda's house across the street and it looks like nobody lives there or ever did. Her little siblings never outside running around. Her mom and dad never sitting on the porch holding hands watching the sun set. Brenda never pacing the porch having a phone conversation she didn't want anybody to hear. It kills me. Nobody was home at Abby's house and my mother is still saying I'm not feeling to well to try and keep me out of jail even though no matter what I can't prevent it any further. It's going to happen and there's nothing I can do about it. I walked over to Abigail's house and knocked on the door. My mother told me never to leave the house but now she's gone. The door swung open and an awfully beautiful looking Abigail stood shocked and smiling. she jumped into my arms and kissed me so softly, I wanted more. I carried her up to her room. I laid her softly down on her bed and started trailing my kisses down her torso.

"Tyler I missed you"

"I know I know"

I took off her shirt slowly taking in all her beauty. I slowly un clasped her bra and then stripped the rest of her clothes. The rest is for me and her only. To hold onto and to cherish.

She laid her head in the crook of my neck.

"I want to do this everyday" she said kissing me softly.

"Abigail I'm leaving and you know that"

She started to whimper then full on cry. I rubbed her back and caressed her face.

"Abigail your will find somebody else"

"No I won't I never will"

"I believe you will"

After some time and sniffling Abby looked up at me with eyes I will never forget and she said these words to me

"Run away with me, to a land where there is no pain, fear, worry, just peace and love"

I knew what she meant and took her hand with mine. We walked up to the roof of her house and held hand in hand and watched the sun set.

"Abby I can't let you die"

"It's not just me its us together forever"

"As great as that sounds I can't let you ruin your life"

"Once your gone there is no life to live"

"Abby I don't want to argue, I love you I want you to come with me but what kind of boyfriend would I be if I let you die with me"

"The very best Tyler the very best"

I looked at her in those big brown beautiful eyes and said


We watched the sun go done and our problems fade. I took her hand in mine and we fell with the sun, down, down,down.

Out last words: I love you.

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