Arc 1 Interlude (Part 2)

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A/N: I'm back again to waste time as I still have no clue how to open up arc 2. But rest assured, I should be able to release a teaser either later today or tomorrow.

Host: "We're back again to discuss questions and comments that I or our panel may have."

Hei Lianhua: "I have something!"

Host: "Mr. Hei, please elaborate."

Hei Lianhua: "The dark power that I used to have seems to have been forgotten, no?"

Host: "Indeed. *nods* But, it's in Miss Xiaoyao's body."

Hei Lianhua: "What do you mean by that?"

Host: "It's quite simple actually. Miss Xiaoyao is powerful enough that she doesn't need that ancient power's help, right?"

Xiao Xiaoyao:  "Of course I don't need it!"

Hei Lianhua: "Regardless, it seems important enough that it should be mentioned correct? Speaking of, it should be quite violent and you should be in pain......"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "I've long since suppressed it with my soul power. As long as nothing happens to my soul, nothing should go wrong......"

Xiao Bao: "But, Sister, weren't you injured while helping me face my inner demons and past?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "........Huh. That's true. Perhaps it was used to the suppression so much that even when I was injured, nothing happened?"

Xiao Jin: "It could indeed be explained this way. But, how about this? The ancient power recognized Master as an opponent it couldn't beat and decided to be obedient and not harm her."

Hei Lianhua: "How could that be possible?"

Xiao Jin: "Judging by what you have said, this ancient power is sentient, right?"

Hei Lianhua: "Yes."

Xiao Jin: "It may have been dissatisfied having a human as its master, which is why it harmed you. But, Master is a goddess, so it chose to bend its waist to a more powerful being."

Hei Lianhua: "Oh."

Xiao Jin: "There's also the fact that Master has an aura that naturally repels evil. The fact that the ancient power could be this tame could attest to that."

Everyone: "That makes sense."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Xiao Jin, hearing your tone, you've heard of this power before? I never mentioned it to you."

Hei Lianhua: "I told him."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Oh."

Host: "Oh! I have a question. What about the cultivation levels? They don't seem to be mentioned often."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "I'm the main character, no?"

Host: "?"

Xiao Jin: *sighs* "The story focuses on Master, who never follows any common sense whether in conversations or cultivation. Of course it wouldn't be mentioned too often unless briefly when Master is speeding through levels."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What do you mean I don't follow common sense? Of course I do!"

Everyone: "........."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What? Why are you all looking at me like that?"

Xiao Jin: " follow common sense, alright. You follow your own common sense, which is screwed beyond belief."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Hey! *turns to everyone* You all think that too?"

Everyone: *looks away*

Xiao Xiaoyao: *huffs* "Fine. Be that way."

Host: *claps hands together* "Let's move on to more important things, shall we?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Host: "How about......the Xiao Family?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What about them?"

Host: "Didn't they want to reel in Xiao Bao? Why did they just seem to back off after being threatened once? These people seem petty, especially since they were about to use something called a 'gu' to control you guys. They don't seem like the type to give up easily."

Xiao Bao: "Oh. If that's the case, then it's simple. It wasn't directly written because they weren't too important, but off screen, I..... 'took care' of them. They won't be bothering us any time soon."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What did you do?"

Xiao Bao: *gives a bright smile, eyes curving* "I made sure that they'll never betray us because of a special concoction I fed them!"

Everyone, but Xiao Jin and Xiao Xiaoyao: *feels a shiver run down their spines* His innocent-looking smile doesn't match his words.

Host: *coughs* "O-Okay then. Since we're running out of time, why don't we close it off with one last question?"

Host: "How do you feel your character development has progressed so far? Your personality?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: *taps chin in thought* "My personality seems to be quite scattered at times. I can be reliable at times, and too childish at others."

Xiao Jin: "But that's so you! You're exactly like that!"

Xiao Xiaoyao: *laughs* "That's true."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "About my character development.....I'd say that nothing particular seems to be off."

Xiao Jin: "For my personality, I'm loyal, reliable, and knows how to handle myself. I'm supposed to be stoic, but sometimes I come off as.....what's the word?......too feminine?"

Xiao Jin: "My character development.....there hasn't been too much progress, so I can't say."

Hei Lianhua: "I'm supposed to be childish, but sometimes I can be mature, it seems off, no?"

Xiao Jin: "Not really. Some people can be like that, and it's completely fine."

Hei Lianhua: *giggles* "If you say so, Jin."

Hei Lianhua: "Anyway, my character development seems to be....fine, but there are some inconsistencies as I still think that my personality changes to fast at times."

Host: "Xiao Bao, you seem to have been in thought for a while. Have you thought of your answer?"

Xiao Bao: "Yes. My supposed to be cold and distant, but I don't seem like that, most of the times i'm on screen."

Host: "This may be because the author doesn't mention how you act in front of strangers too often."

Xiao Bao: "Good point. As for my character development, I'd say it's fine, other than the fact that it felt a bit rushed, like the author didn't plan for it too well."

Host: "I see, I see. I thank the panel members for their input today!"

The panel members (XXY, XJ, HLH, XB): "You're welcome."

Host: "To our audience members, we shall meet again after Arc 2!"

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