Chapter 33: Possessed Xiao Bao

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A/N: Hi everyone!! Sorry for not coming back sooner!! Another chapter or teaser will be out later today! Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter!

Now what to do? I told Xiao Jin to leave everything to me, but.....I have no clue what to do!!! Xiaoyao started pacing back and forth rapidly. "Well, whatever happens, happens!!"

Xiao Bao had now started to move. However.....

"Eh??? He passed me by? Why? I'm a human body and in his eyes, an enemy, right?" As Xiaoyao made frustrated sounds and stomped around, a note fell out of her clothes.

"Huh? What is this?

To a certain idiot,

Just in case you forgot, your soul is that of a god's. Even if the possessed brat saw that you were a 'human' so to speak, just based on the aura of your soul - which you sometimes forget to cover up - he, no they, would think that you are not one to mess with.

Now then, in lame and simple terms. The brat right now is too scared of you to attack. Take this chance to attack and knock him out from behind. If that doesn't work, use one of the spells you memorized to shake that lump of souls in the kid's body. That should be enough to incapacitate him.

Xiao Jin

Why that little...!!!!! I'm not an idiot! Well, whatever, I can now knock Xiao Bao out without hurting him too badly."

"Sigh, but, this is.....quite a pain in the ass. I can understand hatred towards humans because I have seen the evils they have done, but there's no need to destroy the entire human race because of the wrongdoings of a few. Besides, enemies like this usually say something like 'I am the most powerful! No one can beat me!!' after destroying just a few powerful humans. They then get completely and utterly destroyed. I've seen it happen before." 

"Sigh, the only problem is......what to do? I know if I go along with what Xiao Jin said, I'd be sure to succeed. After all, he is that God."

"Xiaoyao, pay attention! Your little bro is about to kill the rest of the humans!" Hei Lianhua yelled from within her soul.


"You forgot, didn't you?"

"Well, I don't really care about humans in the first place."

"Wow, that's harsh. By the way, I'm also a human." Hei Lianhua reminded.

"Ah, that's right. You are, no, sorry, were a human. But that shouldn't matter to you. You're simply a spirit right now."

"Well, that's true, but......"

"Lianhua. Don't try to convince me. This kind of mindset has been rooted for a millennia or so now. I don't expect you to understand."

"I got it....." Lianhua replied dispiritedly.

"I'm sorry. You might think it's inhumane, but in the first place, I'm not human. Almost every god thinks this way. I'm no exception. I do, however, love the stories they leave behind. So it's not as if I am indifferent to humans. Why do you think I disguise myself as one if I don't find them interesting creatures in the first place? So don't feel down."

"......I see. That does make me feel a bit better. However....."


"I will make you change your mind someday, somehow." Hei Lianhua said with conviction.

Xiaoyao's eyes widened. "Hehe, I wish you luck."

"Thanks. But anyway, shouldn't you worried about that?"

"About what?"

".......Did you forget again? Sigh, stopping Xiao Bao."

"Oh right! There was that!"

"......." This is hopeless. Hei Lianhua thought to himself.

While Xiaoyao was busy taking to Hei Lianhua, Xiao Bao has gone on to eliminate the rest of the humans there.

Oh well, not my problem. Xiaoyao thought. But, it would be a pain since he keeps absorbing the power of the despaired souls of humans. Let's try a simple spell to shake him out of it.

"Soul Shake." Xiaoyao said as she pointed at Xiao Bao.

For a split moment, it seemed like the souls within Xiao Bao violently shifted side to side before settling back in his body.

"Tch. That didn't work." Xiaoyao's eyes lit up with excitement. "Let's try something stro—"

"Ugh." The culmination of souls in Xiao Bao's body groaned before collapsing into a dead faint.

"Eh? Wai- That's it?! That's all it took! Noooooooo! I wanted to test out more spells!! How could it be like this???? How could it be this anticlimactic????!!!! Hey, wake up!! Let me have more fun!"

Fun? Hei Lianhua thought. That's what she thought this life-threatening situation was? Fun? .....I guess this mindset of hers won't change so easily......I have my work cut out for me if she doesn't even understand the gravity of the situation to humans.

"There." Xiaoyao said as she finished tying up the knocked out Xiao Bao.

"Now what?" Hei Lianhua asked.

"Now we wait for Xiao Jin to come up with a solution to this mess."

"Ah. There are some humans left. They may have seen your power. Don't you want to eliminate them?"

"Why would I need to do that?"

"You ask why?"

"Of course. I already erased their memories. Why would I need to dirty my hands and kill them?"



"You're more thorough than I thought...." Hei Lianhua mumbled.

"What was that?"


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