Chapter 28.2: The Past

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A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! I'm currently in New York and it's freezing!!

"Commander was wandering the Divine Realm as usual and. Was. Completely. Bored! However, she had I and Xiao Yun for company so it wasn't too bad." Xiao Jin said.

"Wait, wait, wait!" Xiao Bao exclaimed.


"Who's Xiao Yun?"

"Another one of Commander's subordinates. Her right-hand man, to be exact. I'm her left-hand man."


"Can I continue?"

"Oh yes, of course!"

"As I was saying......

Every king Commander watched be crowned started off as pure, young, powerful, and ambitious, but as time went on, the power they received as King gradually wore on them, causing them to become corrupt and subsequently impeached or even...... killed.

There were exceptions, though. The first king of the Divine Realm managed to retain his personality and still ruled as a benevolent but ruthless (to his enemies) kind of ruler. However, he gradually tired of this power and abdicated to run off and be free with his lover, who was incidentally, Commander's eldest sister. The second, twenty-fourth, one-hundredth and 1356th kings also ruled similarly, only to later tire of power and disappear.

Commander watched as tournament number one million commenced. It had been a slow start and nothing was unexpected. There was someone who caught Commander's eye though. After asking around, he found out that his name was Shadow. He was quite handsome. All his features seemed like they were carved out of jade and his perfectly shaped lips always curled up slightly into a breathtaking smile every time he won against a particularly strong opponent, which only happened once or twice."

Xiao Bao's lips twitched. "Aren't you embarrassed describing this Shadow guy this way?"



"Because it's true."

Xiao Bao was stunned. I didn't expect him to say that.......

"Anyway, once Commander looked at him, she couldn't stop staring. Not because he was handsome, but because of his strength. It was quite rare to someone his age with so much power. After all, anyone would admire someone with a lot of power, especially when he was so young- well, in terms of a god's age.......

Well, soon, it was the final battle. A rule had recently been implemented that the last duel would be between the current king and the last one standing in the tournament. If the current king won, he would be able to continue his reign for another hundred years.

The challenger was Lord Shadow, who was, incidentally, a god of darkness. He was facing against a god of light named Hikaru. Anyway, the fight went on as Commander expected. Shadow won."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Xiao bao interrupted.

"What is it now?" Xiao Jin asked, irritated.

"What do you mean by 'as Sister expected'?"

"Sigh, well. Xiao Yun, Commander, and I made a bet about who would win. Commander bet that Ki-I mean Lord Shadow- would win. Xiao Yun and I bet that King Hikaru would win."

"Why did you bet that that king would win?"

"His aura was stronger."

"Oh." That's not very perceptive of you.......He could have been suppressing or hiding his aura.....Xiao Bao thought.

Xiao Jin sighed as he looked at Xiao Bao. "You're probably thinking that I'm stupid for not realizing that Lord Shadow was suppressing or hiding his aura. Well, that just proves how strong he was. Neither I nor Xiao Yun realize that he was hiding his aura. Only Commander realized it. From then on, Commander's interest in Lord Shadow was piqued."

"I see."

"What happened next?"


After Lord Shadow was crowned king, Commander went to meet him. After all, only those in power deserved to know of Commander's existence."

"And why is that?"

"Commander's existence in the Divine Realm is both unique and unmatched. Unlike most gods, who cultivated to become a god and those who were born in the Divine Realm, Commander was born in a higher plane inaccessible to the general population. That's why so many gods and species lusted after her blood and power."

"I get the power part, but why her blood?"

"Commander's blood is special. As she is a goddess of creation, she can create anything from just a drop of  her blood. That's why so many people want to obtain her or rather her blood."

"No wonder...." No wonder she was so sad that she couldn't trust others easily. No wonder....she longed for companionship.....and family.....

"Anyway, the two gradually became best friends. And even closer....." Xiao Jin didn't realize that his fists were clenched tightly under his sleeves. 

Xiao Bao noticed but didn't say anything. Does he.....feel something for Sister? Maybe I shouldn't jump to conclusions........

"I just didn't know, or even realize, when Commander's feelings changed from friendship love......"

"The two gradually became closer and closer, and then....they became lovers. However there were others that didn't appreciate that. Those people- no, they don't deserve to be classified as people- those trash dared, they dared to harm them."


"Those scum thought that Lord Shadow was getting close to her for the purpose of obtaining her blood. So.....they....using the excuse of protecting Commander....." Xiao Jin said with a sneer and disdain. "Sentenced Lord Shadow to death."

Xiao Bao's eyes widened. 

"Commander tried to save him, but it was his fate to die. In order to prevent Commander from saving Lord Shadow, Fate herself intervened just long enough so that the executioner's blade fell down. Luckily, Commander managed to break free. She wasn't able to save his body, but rather his soul. She erased his memories and sent him to a far-off dimension. Subsequently, Commander.....destroyed half of the Divine Realm in her rage. Even then, she couldn't calm down. When she eventually did, Commander, she.....she was like a walking puppet. She had no emotions and seemed like she could just vanish if you didn't keep a close eye on her. 

A few hundred years later, she finally regained a semblance of emotion. I.....I couldn't do anything. She was.....broken, lost, shattered, and I couldn't help her."

Xiao bao's eyes became red with rage. How dare they.......! 

"After several hundred more years, she was finally able to smile and laugh. She met new friends and became the cheerful, optimistic girl we knew. After that, she came here. And the rest is what you know."

Xiao Bao was silent. I....I never knew.....just how much pain she felt.......I will protect her.......I won't allow her to be hurt ever again. This, I swear. 

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