Arc 1 Interlude

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A/N: Sorry everyone! This is not a chapter because I didn't know how to open up the second arc. So basically, it's a way for me to waste time!

Host: "We now welcome to the stage, the goddess of creation, Kartara (aka Xiao Xiaoyao), her subordinate, Xiao Jin and her companions Xiao Bao and Hei Lianhua."

The announced ones got into their respective seats.

Host: "So, everyone. To start off...... What are your thoughts or any questions you have on what's happened so far?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Me, personally, I love the idea of traveling to different worlds To was— *cough* I mean spend time with friends and companions I meet along the way sounds so fun!"

Host: "What about your duties as a commander in the Heavens?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Uhhh, well, Xiao Yun and the rest can figure it out. I'll go back when there's something important. Xiao Yun would always contact me if something like that happened."

Host: "What if contact from you was cut off?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: ".........."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "......Huh. I never thought about it."

Host: "........."

Everyone else: ".........."

Host: "A-Anyway, let's move one to the next person."

Xiao Jin: *frowns* "Why am I called a beauty?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Because you're beautiful?"

Xiao Jin: "I'm a man! You should not call me 'beautiful'!!"

Xiao Xiaoyao: ".......But it's the truth....."

Xiao Jin: ".........."

Xiao Jin: *sighs and then frowns even harder* "Okay then. Why am I always being teased?"

Hei Lianhua, Xiao Bao, and Xiao Xiaoyao: "Because you're easy to tease!"

Xiao Jin: *speechless*

Host: *laughs silently* "The next person, please."

Xiao Bao: *thinks for a bit* "Why is no one questioning my actions that are so unlike my appearance?"

Everyone: He's right. Why does no one question anything?

Hei Lianhua: "Could it be......because the world is a large place and there are some mysteries that can't be explained normally?"

Xiao Bao: "So I'm a mystery?"

Hei Lianhua: "......I'm not sure, but it could explain their behavior."

Xiao Bao: "......Huh."

Hei Lianhua: "So, it's my turn, right?"

Host: "Ah, yes. I suppose so."

Hei Lianhua: *ponders* "Why do I seem like I've been forgotten at times?"

Host: "........Huh."

Everyone: "..........Huh."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Isn't the answer simple? The author probably forgot about you!"

Hei Lianhua: *looks like he's been shot*

Xiao Bao: *whispers* "Sister~ sometimes, I think you're too honest. Not everyone likes to hear the truth."

Hei Lianhua: *heard everything and looks even more dejected*

Xiao Jin: *pats his shoulder* "Now you know how it feels to be teased."

Hei Lianhua: "They were teasing me?"

Xiao Jin: *points at them* "Do you not see the grins on their faces?"

Hei Lianhua: *sees it and sighs*

Host: "Okay, Okay. Now on to the next question. This is actually more directed at Miss Xiaoyao but everyone else can answer is they want."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Hm?"

Host: "What do you think of Xuanyuan Ye?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: *shocked* "What do you mean?"

Host: "What do you think of him as a person?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "I—"

Xiao Jin: "A pest."

Xiao Bao: "Persistent."

Hei Lianhua: *pauses* "......Someone with a lot of potential."

Host: *turns to Xiaoyao* "What about you?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "He's........" *hesitates*

Everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting for her reply.

Xiao Xiaoyao: ".......a good friend."

Hei Lianhua: "Oh."

Xiao Bao: "Huh."

Xiao Jin: "As expected."

Host: *coughs*

Xiao Xiaoyao: *looks confused* "What? Was there something wrong with my answer?"

Everyone, excluding her: "Nothing......" Poor guy.....He got friend zoned.

*The same guy sneezed in a corner of his room. Was someone talking about me?*

Host: *coughs again* "Re-Regardless, Let's continue. Have you all thought it weird that no cultivation sects have been introduced?"

Xiao Jin: "The author could have either forgotten or thought it wasn't important since Master doesn't like being tied down by sects."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "But, But usually, in xianxia novels, the main character offends someone important and arrogant from a large sect and ends up either eliminating it, causing mass chaos in the cultivation world, or rising up above it and stepping on that arrogant person's head. And then that arrogant person will escape and—"

Xiao Jin: *interrupts* "It couldn't that the author thought something like that is too troublesome and repetitive to write."

Hei Lianhua: *nods* "I agree. She could also have other plans for us instead of going through a whole Sect drama."

Xiao Bao: "Mn. This could be the case."

Host: "Interesting, interesting."

Host: *looks at the time* "Oh dear. It seems we've almost run out of time. As such, this is the last question for today."

Host: "What do you think of the new character, or rather, potential final boss that appeared at the end of arc one?"

Xiao Xiaoyao: "Hmm......I've offended a lot of people because they didn't like hearing the truth. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy was one of them."

Xiao Bao: "He could raise some trouble for us."

Xiao Jin: "We should prepare for any unexpected circumstances."

Hei Lianhua: "Hmm, I don't think anything too big will happen for a while, so, like Jin said, we should be ready in case something happens."

Xiao Xiaoyao: "What are you all worried for? Nothing will happen! I'm here!" *laughs off to the side*

Everyone else: "That's called a flag...... Something will definitely happen......"

But Xiaoyao didn't hear this as she was still laughing confidently in a corner.

A/N: If anyone has any questions or things you spotted that were off in my book, feel free to post those questions in the comments section! I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability!

A Goddess's Journey Of Transmigration - Volume IOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora