Chapter 30: Death Ground

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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back!! However, unfortunately, I was busy this week so I couldn't release more chapters. Forgive me! Anyway, I will be releasing four more chapters after this one tomorrow or during next week! I hope you all had a great day!

Xiaoyao woke up when she felt a sharp pain stab her arm.

"Ow!" She cried out.

She looked down to see that her arm had pressed against the sharpened point of some broken bones.

What happened? ........Ah, right! I fell down that black hole with Xiao Bao. I also faintly remember hearing Xiao Jin's voice right before fainting upon impact with the ground.

Clearing her head of the rest of her thoughts, she got up and observed her surroundings. It was very much like the Forbidden Land Xiaoyao stumbled upon where she first met Lianhua.

The energy in this place is very abundant, and in every meaning it's a wonderful place for cultivation. However.......

Xiaoyao looked around once more and sighed in exasperation.

All around her were a multitude of spirits floating around and eyeing her covetously.

Ah. What to do? I shouldn't be in danger, but this is troublesome.......

A white halo faintly shone above her head as she chanted some words under her breath.

A barrier formed around her body. Anytime the spirits tried to attack her, they would hit the barrier and disappear.

Though this barrier is strong, there are far too many spirits. It can't hold out for long. Which means.....I can only use Plan B.

Xiaoyao took a deep breath and bent down in a lunging position. She put weight on her front-most foot and sped off into the distance away from the ghosts.

Plan B was simply running away.

After the time of half an incense stick, Xiaoyao felt it was far enough and stopped running. She caught her breath with great difficulty and observed her surroundings. The quantity of spirits had certainly declined. The quality, however, was a different story.

Xiaoyao groaned. Out of the frying pan, aaaaaannnnddd into the fire.

She looked at the various wraiths around her and stopped. They're not.......coming closer? Hmm, whatever the reason, it's a good idea to start cultivating.

With that, Xiaoyao sat down in the lotus position with the barrier still up and gathered the energy around her.

Not even five minutes later, she broke through, but she didn't stop there. Very soon, she reached the peak of the fifth body refining level. Xiaoyao knew she could step into the first level of blood refining. However, her foundation would be too unstable. That's not something she would want to happen.

Now~ She thought while stretching. Time to train!


Xiao Bao and Xiao Jin had been blown off together when they fell down.

Xiao Bao groaned and was surprised to see Xiao Jin whacking down the ghosts in front of him.

"Xiao.....Jin?" Xiao Bao called out uncertainly.

"Ah, brat. You're finally awake?" Xiao Jin said in a lazy tone.

"Brat?!" Xiao Bao yelled angrily.

Xiao Jin sighed. "Kid. If you're awake, can you help me swat these guys off?"

"Fine." Xiao Bao huffed.

The two fought off the rest of the spirits and plopped down on the ground panting.

"I just got whack-a-mole vibes...." Xiao Jin mumbled.

"Huh? What's that?"

"Just a game...."


The conversation stalled.

"Anyway, Xiao Bao?"


"Who.....or what are you?"

Xiao Bai flinched. "What do you mean?"

"Forgive me if my question sounded odd. But those spirits are indeed malicious and.....they seemed to be attracted to you. Not in a predatory way, but in a protective way. I noticed while we were fighting, that they tended to back off more whenever you chased them away. They even concentrated their attacks more on me and half-heartedly attacked you."

"Oh. I have a certain treasure in my blood that wards of spirits such as them."

"Oh. That makes sense." Xiao Jin said flatly. He didn't believe Xiao Bao one bit. "Regardless, this is a good place to cultivate for you."

"What do you mean by 'for me'?"

"Ah. I haven't recovered from my prior injuries. Until then, I can't cultivate. Even then, I'm not like Co- Ma- Xiaoyao is. This is my original body. A divine body. I'm not a mortal. This energy can't help me further my cultivation level, but only helps me recover my wounds little by little."

"I see. Does that mean that you can completely recover from your previous wounds if you stay here for a while?"

"No. But don't worry about that. Let's start."



Though these three easily fought off the spirits, the same can't be said for others.

"AHHHH!!!!" Some cultivators dreamed in agony as they were either eaten alive by wraiths, slowly tortured by the more intelligent ones, clobbered by undead, and possessed by the spirits.

Those that perished became new spirits and those that were possessed.....sought for blood.....

A Goddess's Journey Of Transmigration - Volume IHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin