Chapter 36: Approaching Quarterfinals

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A/N: Hi everyone! I'm back! I decided to change the name because the original name didn't seem to fit. Anyway, I'll be releasing more chapters today as compensation for not doing anything for a long time! Look forward to it!

Xiaoyao and Xiao Bao headed to the tournament grounds while Xiao Jin stayed in the crowd. The rules were once again explained and the tournament commenced once more. Throughout the matches, Xiao Bao breezed through them all. Though Xiao Bao appeared to be feeling better, he actually wasn't. However, every match he was in, he won.

The reason why he was so down was the fact that he killed people he had no grudge with. The humans that harmed my clan must be killed. That much is clear. But.....

"No, all humans must be destroyed." a voice whispered to him some nights ago.

That's when the torment started. The memories, grudges, hatred and resentment of his clansmen hadn't left him. They kept on repeating that humans must be killed, that they must be eliminated. Xiao Bao, hearing these voices every day, gradually became disorientated.


Xiao Jin knew of the struggles that Xiao Bao faced, but he trusted that he could handle it. Until, that is, Xiaoyao saw how haggard and dispirited he seemed.

"Xiao Bao seems a bit off. What's going on?"

Xiao Jin sighed. "Hey, Master."


"What spell did you use to free Xiao Bao?"

"Soul Release. Why?"

Xiao Jin held his head in one hand and sighed. "Master."

"Yes?" Xiaoyao gulped. That tone of voice......did I do something wrong?

"That was the wrong spell to use."


"That spell temporarily releases the souls' control of him. The souls will return after a set amount of time."

"The I need to help now!"



"He needs to solve this himself. How will he grow if he's always being protected?" he questioned.

"......." Xiaoyao hesitated. "I stillI got it. But, if it's too much, I'll step in."

Xiao Jin sighed. "I suppose I'll allow you to get away with that much." It's not like you'll listen to me if things get too far anyway.......

"I feel like you said something incredibly rude...." Xiaoyao said.

"I-Is that so?" Why is always at these times that she's sharp? She's usually an idiot.

"Now I really feel like you said something......"

"N-Never mind that. Don't you need to go up?¨

"Oh, I forgot." Xiaoyao said as she ran off to the stage.

"Phew, that was a close one."


'Hey, Lianhua, I'm thinking of telling Xiao Jin about you. He's a trusted friend of mine and I don't feel right keeping secrets from him.'

'You can do what you want. It's never been a problem. I just.....was a bit afraid that he'd try to get rid of me if he found out I was possessing me. However, observing him these past days, I found that I can trust that he won't try to kill me. Besides.....'


'Ah, no, it's nothing......'

'If you say so......'

'..........' Besides, Xiao Jin will listen to you. Not just because he's your subordinate, but also because.......

Xiaoyao's next opponent was a burly man named Wu Guang that was a guard for Xuanyuan Fan.

Ohhhhhh I am going to have sooo much fun beating this guy up. Xiaoyao thought.

She licked her lips and got into a fighting stance. Before she made a move, she saw in the corner of her eye that Xiao Jin was trying to tell her something.

Xiaoyao focused on him and realized what he was trying to tell her.

"Don't. Kill. Him." To this, Xiaoyao rolled her eyes and wave, signaling she got it.

The match soon started and it seemed like Xiaoyao was on the losing side, as she kept on dodging the attacks and seemed a bit panicked. 

Every time Wu Guang attacked with his saber, Xiaoyao twirled and dodged to the left and right. But, if one looked closely, you could see a light smile on her face as she seemingly toyed with Wu Guang. Wu Guang gradually got tired from chasing her around and his movements slowed.

Xiaoyao was waiting for this moment. She inserted a burst of spiritual energy in her legs and got around to the his back. She then did a graceful turn before kicking Wu Guang off the platform.

You see, Xiaoyao hadn't been toying around with Wu Guang for nothing. She was actually luring him closer and closer to the edge of the platform so that it wouldn't take too much effort to kick him off. In all actuality, his cultivation was higher than Xiaoyao's, so her facing him directly would prove to be a difficult win.

Xiaoyao could have defeated him head-on, but then she would have had to reveal some trump cards of her that she wanted to save for later.

Xiaoyao kept winning all her matches as did Xiao Bao. Soon, it was the quarterfinals.

The quarter finalists were announced. Xiao Xiaoyao (I forgot to add Xiaoyao's surname all this time, forgive me!!!), Xiao Bao, Nalan Mei (the arrogant one Xiaoyao met before), Xiao Yu (The one Xiaoyao met in the forest), Zi Yue, Xuanyuan Fan, Su Lian, and Feng Jiu.

The first match of the quarter finals was announced: Xiao Bao vs Nalan Mei

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