Chapter 22: Beauty Courts Disaster (I)

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Xiaoyao, Xiao Bao, and Xiao Jin stepped into the Myriad Treasure Pavilion. Perhaps because of their looks and aura, they attracted a lot of attention.

Xiaoyao noticed this and sighed in her heart. Maybe I should buy masks. These two fools are too cute for their own good. With Xiao Jin's injury and my current body, I can only hope we don't run into someone we can't handle.

But fate was cruel that way. As they say, beauty attracts disaster. Xiao Jin and Xiao Bao we're truly too eye-catching. Though Xiaoyao was quite pretty, she didn't affect as much looks as the other two.

The trio continued to browse the venue. Some of the items from the auction appeared.

Cloud Star Steel.....

Soul-Gathering Medicinal Liquid.......

And many more.

This place has everything..... Xiaoyao thought in amazement. Well, at least there's no shortage of money. Hehehehe..........

Last night......

Xiao Bao had brought Xiaoyao to the Xiao Family's Storage. Because of Xiao Bao's increase in power, he was able to sneak in without a problem.

Xiaoyao was able to use some spells and hand seals to conceal her presence and breath. Reason being is that she feels a sort of familiarity with the energy of the Daos in this world. It's sort of similar to the energy in the Divine Realm.

So, the two little foxes stole some precious herbs, silver coins, and gold coins and went back to their residence with pockets full of cash. Xiaoyao and Xiao Bao tried to keep it from Xiao Jin because Xiaoyao knew that Xiao Jin would probably give them a long lecture about stealing from others and she wanted to avoid that. They almost succeeded until Xiaoyao's guilty conscience slipped through.

She started grinning like a madman and laughing hysterically. Xiao Bao sighed as Xiao Jin raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"What did you do this time?" Xiao Jin said as he sighed in resignation.

This time? Xiao Bao thought. This isn't her first time doing this? No wonder she agreed to rob this guys so easily.

"N-Nothing." Xiaoyao guiltily looked away and happened to glance quickly at the bag in Xiao Bao's hands.

Xiao Jin caught this and demanded to see the contents. Once he did, he took a deep breath and actually stayed silent.

"I know it's a necessity, so I'll forgive you. But, next time, make. Your. Own. Money."

"Okay. Got it. I won't do it again." Xiaoyao laughed on the inside. Like I'll listen to you.

"You'd better."

"Hey, has Sister done this before? What did she do?" Xiao Bao asked.

"Well, you see, little guy, Coma-"

Xiaoyao glared at Xiao Jin, making the latter cut off his words.

"I mean, Xiaoyao always loved to play pranks when she younger. One of her favorite ones was to rob anyone who crossed her and blame on another such enemy."

"She would do it so frequently, that it was gradually destroying the economy. So, me and some other gener- I mean comrades caught her and gave her long lectures and why that's wrong and how much it would affect the economy."

"I see....."

"So, you must never pick up her habits!" Xiao Jin exclaimed with passion.

"Okay." Xiao Bao said 'obediently' as he lowered his head.

In reality, his eyes were glittering with excitement. I learned something new about Sister!

He didn't care that Xiao Jin just warned him not to do what Xiaoyao did, and made plans to rob all their future enemies. Xiao Jin would've never expected that this little speech about Xiaoyao's past would cause him to become known as the Pirate King in the future.......

Present day.....

First things first! We need to buy some masks and clothes enough for three people! Xiaoyao thought.

'Hey, Lianhua. Can you materialize your soul?'

'Materialize my soul? I can, however.......'


'Ah, nothing. Why, though?'

'Well, I just thought that, since you're my friend, it wouldn't be right if I didn't buy you anything.'

'But you did buy me my Father's sword. Just that, is enough.'

'Are you sure?'

'Very sure.'



'If you want, when I'm stronger, I'll give you a new body, 'kay?'

Lianhua's eyes widened. His head lowered as tears filled his eyes. He held them back, though. 'Mmm.' was all he managed to get out.

"Co- Xiaoyao. What are you thinking about? We're going to leave you behind!" Xiao Jin called from afar.

"Ah? Wait for me, Xi-" A bunch of heated gazes of jealousy landed on Xiaoyao. She swallowed the name 'Xiao Jin' and thought fast. "Wait for me, Eldest brother!"

With that name, the jealous gazes of those who were after Xiao Jin all retracted. She saw the scheming light in some of their eyes and narrowed her own eyes. I must get those masks with the utmost urgency!

With that thought, Xiaoyao sighed and looked to the sky. Ai, beauty certainly courts disaster.

As Xiaoyao left, a pair of bright, luminous eyes followed her. A young girl with fiery red hair and a matching flamboyant dress waved her hand and a bunch of hidden guards appeared.

"Find out who that man is." She was referring to Xiao Jin. Thinking about that handsome man, the girl's eyes became fiery and infatuated. I must have him!

"Yes, eldest miss." The hidden guards bowed and disappeared.

The girl also turned and took off in the direction Xiaoyao went in.

"Wasn't that the eldest miss of the Nalan family, Nalan Mei (gorgeous)" One whispered.

"Yeah, that spoiled, despotic lady."

"Sigh, It's such a shame that the heroic General Nalan and elegant Lady Bai produced such a thing."

"I agree with you. After all, who doesn't know that she captures all sorts of beautiful and handsome men to become her servants almost everyday?"

"Well, I heard she only chooses those with weak backgrounds."

"Yeah, from the looks of it, the three siblings [1] from earlier don't seem to have any parents."

[1] he's referring to Xiao Bao, Xiaoyao, and Xiao Jin

"It's too bad. That handsome young man from earlier must be her next victim."

"Yeah, I wonder how the younger brother and younger sister of that man are going to survive. Those that refuse the eldest lady have only one outcome: death."

"Shush, shush, don't let the eldest lady hear you say that. You may be the next victim."

The discussions stopped after that and everyone sighed in sorrow as they have witnessed many young men and their families fall prey to Nalan Mei's antics.

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