Chapter 44: Champion

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A/N: I wasn't too sure about this chapter in terms of whether it made sense or not, but I can always change it later~~ Enjoy!

The prizes for the champion were finally announced. Xiao Bao's and Xiaoyao's eyes widened when they heard it. It was a personal invitation to the royal palace.

As Xiaoyao had been with Xiao Bao when he faced his past, she knew......that eventually..... he would clash with the royals.

That also part of why Xiaoyao couldn't cut ties with Xuanyuan Ye. She sensed that he was a lonely soul and someone who did not match with the scheming nature of royals and did not want to leave him alone.

Xiaoyao, however, did not want to get involved with the royal family. She had seen the types of evil machinations that they had done and knew she was someone who was easily duped.

She sighed. Why do things have to be so complicated?

The final match was between Xiaoyao and Xiao Bao. Needless to say, the two came to a silent consensus that Xiao Bao would be the winner. Xiaoyao had one, absolutely no interest in the royal family and two, did not care much for the championship.

The two of them got on stage and pulled out their weapons. Xiaoyao had her scythe and Xiao Bao had his sword. The two got into a fighting stance.

Once the referee called the start of the match, the two rushed at each other.

Xiao Bao and Xiaoyao matched each other's moves and continued to 'play around' for a bit. They needed to act a convincing play so that people wouldn't think that Xiaoyao was biased and wanted her supposed brother to win. (And yes, Xiaoyao has announced that Xiao Bao is her little brother.)

The two continued this little play, sometimes even injuring the other at times.

The two finally separated as they gasped for breath. Although they were pretending in the beginning, it was hard not to get serious the longer they went at each other.

However, the two were excited. Xiaoyao had always wanted to have a serious match with someone. Most of the battles were smooth-sailing and Xiaoyao had not enjoyed those battles to their fullest. Now that she was on par with Xiao Bao, she could finally have some fun.
Xiao Bao felt the same way.

"You having fun, little bro?" Xiaoyao asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Bao exclaimed as he wiped away his sweat.

The two clashed for a while longer before gathering their energy for a last attack.

The light around Xiao Bao was green as it was last time, but something was different and Xiaoyao couldn't put her finger on it.

The light around Xiaoyao, on the other hand, was......hmm, how to put it, light-hearted red. It wasn't an ominous kind of red is what is meant to be said. Those who were close to the stage described the energy from it as carefree and made them feel somewhat light as if they were floating on a cloud.

The two used their attacks on each other but kept the names of the attacks close to their hearts.

Xiao Bao used his sword to stop himself from collapsing while Xiaoyao stood up, but didn't seem to move.

The referee looked at the two of them and determined Xiao Bao to be the winner.

The reason being, Xiaoyao definitely turned out better out of the two. However, Xiao Bao's attack had left her paralyzed. That was it. That was his attack's effect: paralysis.

Xiao Bao deactivated the spell and Xiaoyao was freed.

She seemed to shake a bit before turning around with a bright smile that seemed a bit forced.

"Good job!"

"'s ok to feel frustrated....." Xiao Bao spoke out.

"........." In truth, Xiaoyao felt very frustrated, but she knew that that match was fair. She had lost. It made her feel very uncomfortable, but after thinking for a bit, she sighed.

I'm too egotistical. Why do I feel so frustrated?! Maybe because I was too overconfident. I probably feel bad because I actually took it seriously. Losing doesn't feel good. Sigh~ She slapped her cheeks. ........Alright!

"Thanks, little bro! I'm fine now." The uncomfortableness in her heart eased.

I shouldn't have felt any uncomfortableness in the first place. She sighed. I really.....need to grow up......but I....I don't want to. I just.....

"Sister! What are you doing just standing there? Come on!"

Xiao Bao was crowned champion and the prizes were handed out.

When Xiao Bao received the invitation, his eyes flashed with an unknown emotion.

He whispered a small 'thanks' before becoming quiet again.

The two of them along with Xiao Jin then left for their courtyard.

Xiao Jin spoke with Xiaoyao for a while. Xiaoyao's face showed surprise before whispering something back. The two then seemed to come to a consensus after a while.

Meanwhile, Xiao Bao was still caught up in his thoughts that his day of revenge was so, so, close.

"Xiao Bao." Xiaoyao suddenly said.

"Yes?" Xiao Bao replied a bit absentmindedly.

"........After you take your revenge, Xiao Jin and I are going to another country. I did all the things I wanted to do here. Do you want to come or stay? I know I call you my little brother, but I don't want to restrict you. I—"

"I'll go. I really had nothing else I wanted to do after this, so I'll go. It seems like trouble follows you everywhere. It kinda fun that way."

"Ah....okay." Xiaoyao didn't know why she felt so relieved hearing that. Maybe it was because she truly did care for him like family.

She really never knew the concept of 'family' and because she always did whatever she wanted whenever she wanted, she isolated herself as a consequence.

Xiaoyao thought of Xiao Jin and Xiao Yun as family, but there was always some barrier because they were her subordinates. With her sister trapped in that deep and dark place, having someone like Xiao Bao around was really....... different and that was really nice.

Anyway, Xiao Bao opened the invitation and was surprised that he could bring a maximum of five people with him to the royals place.

He asked the two of them if they wanted to come. Xiaoyao and Xiao Jin both grimaced a bit. They did not, under any circumstance, want to get involved with the royal family, but decided that since they were going to leave after Xiao Bao got revenge, they thought that it wouldn't hurt to go.

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