" Okay Joecel will choose first " Professor Kaira said. Joecel Flores well she's kinda cute in her pink hair and shining gold eyes. I think she'll choose John Malik Venus to take advantage for she can manipulate fire and Malik can control every living plants in the world. Malik has pale green hair and living green eyes and is just as tall as JM. Joecel stood in the middle of the grass fields, waiting to be called.

" Okay Joecel, you may now choose your enemy " Professor Kaira stated.

" I'll battle John Michael " Joecel stated.

" I expect Joecel to choose Malik but I think he wants to battle the other JM "
I stated to JM and he just smiled at me.

" JM, please step forward " Professor Kaira requested. JM stepped forward and faced Joecel. They're roughly 20 meters away from each other. JM is a thieftry, a person who is skilled in the magic of snatching, disappearing, running, escaping and every thing that a thief does. He can manipulate ground too.

" In this activity the winner will be identified if a participant forfeited or if he/she can't battle anymore , and if you're hurt, Nurse Joy is here by my side to heal your wounds and bruises " Professor Kaira stated " Are you ready? "

" I'm always ready " Joecel answered.

" I'm born ready " JM answered as they fix their pose. Joecel is preparing to attack JM. JM is just chill as ever. Maybe he's confident.

" Okay, Let the battle begin! " Professor said and cheers filled the area.

" Fireballs! " Joecel cried and threw fireballs to JM.

" Disappear " JM said softly and the fireballs disappeared. The fireballs flew back to Joecel as it fall down from the sky. Joecel avoided it quickly but she didn't noticed JM at her back.

" Sleep " JM said as he touched Joecel's head. And after it, Joecel fell to the wet grassy ground. Sleeping. Murmurs can be heard after their match. Ican hear my classmates saying-
" It was fast "
" Boring battle "
" JM is really skilled "
Those are just some but if you'll ask me as JM's bestfriend, he really is skilled in thieftry, but he doesn't master his ground magic.

" JM won the match " Professor Kaira announced " Because Joecel isn't able to fight anymore. I think we've  learned a lesson in their match. Do not take your sight away from your enemy.

"After it JM walked toward us and sat beside me.

" That was so fast " Ken stated.

" But it was impressive. Your skills are  great " I praised to JM.

" I can defeat anybody, in a blink of an eye " JM said and noted. He's arrogant today huh.

" I can defeat anyone even when my eyes are closed, so I'm better than you " Ken said, well, he's good in his air manipulation and camouflage. He's our only classmate that can camouflage.

" Okay, then your the best " JM replied, feeling irritated of what Ken said. He's too arrogant you know.

" No, we're the best. The three of us are the best. Right, Sky? " Ken asked on me.

" Yes, we are " I answered. I can't deny our great skills. We're one of the top twenty skilled manipulators in our class.

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