"Which is why geese are so relaxed this time of year." Chandler and Monica were busy reading the newspaper. I glanced down at Joey.

"Alright, I have your gift upstairs. Do you want to go now?" I whispered to him.

"Yeah, I have yours in my apartment." He gave my hand a gently squeeze. Then, Ross and Phoebe walked into the coffee shop. Ross immediately went over to Rachel to get her to actually talk to him.

"Happy Christmas Eve Eve." Phoebe sat down next to Monica on the couch. Joey and I shared a quick look before nodding our heads slightly.

"Suparna, don't you have a lot of laundry to do?" He cleared his throat and spoke loudly.

"Why, yes. Yes, I do. But the basket is going to be so heavy. Could you help me with it?" I spoke in the same tone.

"Let's go now." And the two of us practically ran out of there. In my apartment, I turned on some Christmas music on the radio and brought over his gift. He held two small gift boxes in his hands.

"You go first." I put them into his hands and squealed in excitement. He opened up the box and took out some Nirvana, Michael Jackson, Elvis, Prince, and Queen records. I tried to get at least two records of his favorite artists.

"These are great, Suparna. But I don't have a record player." He looked up at me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into my room.

"But now you do! I couldn't wrap it up, so I put a bow on it." I smiled at him. "Do you like it?" I bit my tongue, anxiously waiting.

"You are the absolute best. I really love it, Suparna." He kissed me passionately. "Come on, you have to open yours up." We sat on the couch, and he handed me the boxes. I opened up one of them and found the typical Tiffany blue. I opened up the little pouch and pulled out a beautiful rose gold necklace with a key–shaped pedant in the same color. When I looked closer, I saw our initials on them.

"Joey...oh my God, this is beautiful. But it must have cost you a lot." I felt tears come to my eyes. "C–Could you put it on me?" He nodded his head and came over to stand behind me. I lifted my hair up so he could clasp it. 

"Guess what? Money doesn't make a difference." He kissed my nose and sat back down in front of me. "Next one." He gently shook the second box temptingly. I let out a sigh and slowly opened it up. I pulled out a Cartier brick red box.

"Don't. I–I can't accept this." I shook my head and pushed it into his hands.

"You can, and you will. Come on. Open it up." He encouraged me. I let out a shaky breath and opened it up to see a rose gold Love Bracelet. 

"Now I feel bad. I didn't get you anything big like this." I started crying because of the emotions that were running through me. 

"Yes, you did. You know how much I love these artists, and you got me a freaking record player. Do you know how long I've been wanting one?" He took the bracelet and put it on me.

"B–But I—" He cut me off by pulling me in for a kiss. Once he pulled away, I sniffled a little. "You know, that's a great way for you to shut me up." I smiled dreamily.

"Very funny." He kissed me again. The next day, we all met up in Mon and Rach's apartment. Joey ended up going with Chandler and Phoebe to go to her dad's house to meet him. Rachel, Monica, Ross, and I prepared the apartment for the Christmas party tonight.

"Suparna, oh my God!" Rachel grabbed my wrist and pulled it towards her.

"What? What?" I looked at her in confusion.

"Who gave you this Cartier Love Bracelet?" She held up my wrist and showed it to Monica, who gasped in shock.

"It's beautiful. God, I've only seen pictures in magazines." It seemed like they were in a trance from the way they were staring at it.

"Oh, a friend from work gave it." I blushed. Obviously I couldn't tell them it was from Joey.

"You're wearing Tiffany! I see the rose gold necklace!" Rachel pointed at my chest where the rose gold pendant was.

"Another friend gave it." I shrugged my shoulders. "What's the big deal?" I inquired.

"The big deal is that someone is 100% head–over–heels in love with you." Rachel and Monica squealed in excitement.

"No, that's not true. A friend can give gifts like these to each other." I crossed my arms over my chest and looked between the two.

"Nuh–huh." They shook their heads at me. Ross then walked over to us with a knob in his hands.

"I didn't break anything, I swear." He held his hands up in defense.

"Did you break the radiator?" Monica had her hands on her hips and squinted her eyes at him.

"What? Of course, I didn't." He chuckled nervously. "Maybe. It won't go back in." Rachel called the super, Mr. Treeger, who told her that he wouldn't be able to fix it until Tuesday.

"Maybe we could make it a theme party." Monica suggested.

"Here's a theme. 'Come on in, live like bacon'." Ross replied sarcastically, making me hit him upside the head. During the party, I got into shorts and a bikini top.

"I am not going to turn into jerky. Get in line, buddy. I'm next." I opened up the fridge and felt the cold air run through my sweaty body. Once the party was over, we sat around the couch with spray bottles filled with water to cool ourselves down.

"Ho, ho, holy crap is it hot in here." Chandler, Joey, and Phoebe walked in through the door.

"You mind if I turn the heat down?" Joey asked them.

"We could have used that kind of thinking earlier." Monica responded sarcastically.

"Pheebs, how'd it go?" I asked her.

"Oh...I couldn't go in." She sat down on the ground by the coffee table.

"Honey, I'm sorry." Monica gave her a sad smile. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, no, it's okay. 'Cause, I mean, I know he's there, so that's enough for now." She said.

"Guys, it's after midnight." Chandler looked down at his watch. "Merry Christmas, everyone." We hugged each other.

"Monica, the knob was broken, so I just turned it off from underneath. I hope that's alright." Joey sat down at the dining table and grabbed a cookie. Since it was technically Christmas, we decided to exchange gifts. Chandler was the last to go.

"Rach, these are for you." He handed her a pair of wiper blades.

"Wiper blades. I don't even have a car." Rachel smiled and responded through her teeth.

"I know, but with this new car smell, you'll think you do!" He handed her a bottle. "Okay, Pheebs. Your turn." Chandler pulled out something you'd find in a public bathroom.

"Toilet seat covers!" She exclaimed in genuine excitement. "Is that what you were while I was getting gas?" She looked at him. Chandler nodded his head. "You guys..."

"Suparna, Joey, I got you two some food." He tossed each of us a Twinkie.

"Best Christmas ever." I smiled at him sarcastically. Joey practically inhaled his present, so I just gave him mine.

"And for Ross...Mr. Sweet Tooth..." Chandler handed him a soda can. 

"You got me a cola drink?" Ross looked down at the can.

"And...a lemon–lime!" Chandler cheered and handed him the second soda.

"Wow...well, this...this is too much. I feel like I should get you another sweater." Ross said in a quite monotonous voice.

"And last, but not least..." Chandler handed Monica a pack of something. "They're ribbed for your pleasure." I held my head in my hands. Ross and Monica ended up switching gifts.

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