We sat there for a little while as she comforted me. Her words did make me feel somewhat slightly better. But this wasn't something I'll heal from overnight. It'll take time.

After that, I figured I'd see the kids since I'm here anyways. I said a quick hello to Jackson and pushed past him as he tried talking to me.

Every single one of the kids was asleep. I walked around there quietly. My feet stop at Maisy's crib as she slept peacefully.

At the sight of her, my chest tightens. I pick her up softly, careful not to wake her up, and hold her in my arms, against my chest.

I could've made someone this perfect. I could've had a daughter or a son this tiny and this innocent.

Tears start rolling down my cheek at that thought. I put her back in her crib as she stirs around. With that, I storm off.

The sun is just starting to set, and I am getting ready to leave. I say goodbye to Mrs Harrison and get out the door.

I have no idea where I'm going. I could go back to my apartment. I could stay with Stella or even with Mrs Harrison.

But I can't.

I can't do any of that because something's holding me back. Or rather, someone.


I can't leave him, and I don't think I ever will. I'm in love with him. That's something I never said out loud but he means a lot to me.

It would be selfish for me to leave him. I remember when all I wanted to do was to escape from him. That's all changed now. He makes me feel everything. Whenever I see him, I'm relieved, I'm safe.

As if my thoughts were heard, the sound of a car pulling up makes me turn around. Only to see him sat in his car with a worried look on his face.

We stare at each other, his gaze making me nervous and my heart beat faster. He opens the door and makes his way over. I don't know what mood he's in today, so I'm slightly nervous.

He stops in front of me and I look up at him, he furrows his brows and purses his lips at the sight of me. Probably because of my bloodshot eyes and puffy face that's probably flushed from all the crying.

"Let me take you home." He ushers, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. I bow my head in agreement, and he gently takes my hand in his as we walk over to his car.

He pulls the door open for me, and helps me inside the large SUV. He looks up at me before he shuts the door and wanders over to his side. He gets in next to me, shuts the door and starts the car as I adjust my seatbelt.

Silence settles between us as he starts driving. It's that awkward silence just like when I first met him. I don't like it.

I take a deep breath and sigh. "I'm sorry I left without telling you." I apologize, looking out the window and putting my hands between my thighs. "I was going to come back."

"Don't apologize." He replies, making a turn. "Do you feel better?"

"A little." I reply in a low, shy voice. I don't know how to talk to him after all the bad things I said to him. I feel guilty.

"That's all that matters." He whispers under his breath, stopping at a red light. "I was thinking we could go have dinner somewhere. You need to eat." He suggests as I turn to him, catching him staring at me.

I shake my head, the thought of being in public petrifying me. "Then how about we take it home? I know you'd like that." He suggests and I nod at him.

"Thank you." I mutter, fumbling with my hands nervously. I don't know why I'm nervous. I guess it's uncomfortable between us at the moment.

We continued to drive in silence as I look out the window, watching the cars pass by.

Tristan stops and steps out of the car to go get us something to eat. I sit back on my seat and wait for him, watching people go by. It's been a while since I've been in the city. Last time I was here was with Claire.

After he comes back, we continue to drive in silence till we reach the house. We then step out and make our way to our bedroom. I feel so tired and uncomfortable, it's an understatement.

"How about you go inside and have a bath?" He suggests as I hesitantly stare up at him. "I'll wait for you here." He says, pushing some of my hair back.

I shake my head, not having the energy to do any of that. All I want is to get in bed and sleep. But I know Tristan isn't just going to let that happen.

"I'll help you. Then we can eat and get you to bed, hm?" He continues, his eyes raking over my face and settling on my lips.

Not wanting to argue with him any longer, I nod my head to which he smiles and ushers me towards the bathroom.

I fill in the bath and sit inside as Tristan watches, his eyes taking me in and travelling down my body. He tucks his lip between in his teeth and lets it go as I feel myself profusely blushing. The way he looks at me, it always makes my cheeks heat up.

He then shakes his head and wanders closer, folding up his dress shirt sleeves.

He showered me, washed my hair and dressed me before we sat on the bed and started eating.

"I was thinking." He breaks the silence as I swallow my food and flick my eyes to him. "How'd you feel if we were to move out of here?" He suggests as I furrow my brows. What does that mean?

"I have other properties in this area. The change might be good for you." He explains and I gulp.

That's might be a good idea, but then again I'm not ready for that kind of change. I don't want to stay alone at a new house I don't know my way around.

"You can decide." I mumble under my breath, picking at my plate.

Tristan squints his eyes at me before letting out a heavy sigh. "Let's get you to bed." He says, moving the plates from the bed, allowing me to lay down.

"Tristan?" I ask in a low voice to which he turns his head back at me.


"Please don't hurt my dad." I blurt out, laying my head on the pillow.

I know how he is when he's angry. And I also know that he might try to pour his anger on anyone involved. It's an issue I tried helping him with.

"I won't." He sighs, turning off the lamp next to me."Good night, baby." He hums in a soft voice, kissing my forehead before exiting the room.

My birthday gift to you. Hope you enjoyed❤😊

🎶It's my birthday, it's my birthday imma spend my money🎶 JK I'm broke hahah.


PS: If you sent me a PM, I'm sorry I'm not replying but I'm using Wattpad on my laptop since my phone broke and I don't have the app anymore. Which means I can't answer simply cause the PMs don't show on here. But I'll get it fixed soon💜

Anyways, thank you so much for reading, voting, commenting and all that stuff. God bless you all💞

Lots of love❤

Published: July 31st 2019.

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