forty two

103 6 1

The next week is simple. I stay home mostly, relaxing on the deck while writing. Since dad took a few days off he's been home, too. He's working on building a fire pit in the backyard so he's been having me assist him with that. It's the first time since I've been home that we're actually spending time together. I've missed it. I've missed him. The weather has been absolutely beautiful: warm, sunny, clear. I've been to the lake that's close to our house, too. It's small but it's perfect for a quiet swim. Ambrose Grove is still being created so there's not too many families around yet. It's just been really nice to have something to work on and have things to do.

I'm outside, lounging on the deck with my laptop when my phone buzzes. I look over to see it's Rhys. I can't help but blush and smile like an idiot. We've been texting all week. I was holding back a bit at the beginning of the week just because I wasn't sure what was going on through his head. But I guess he caught on because he called me out on it and took me for a drive later that day. We talked for a few hours then, just genuine conversation. We haven't kissed all week, though. I don't mind it but I can't help but wonder why. I hate thinking about it for too long because I end up getting upset over it thinking it's all me with what happened last weekend.

I put my laptop to the side and grab my phone, opening his text. 

Rhys: I miss you.

I immediately feel my stomach fill with flutters.

Okay, I'm dying right now. He can't say this stuff to me! It makes me so giddy. 

What do I say to that?

Do I even miss him? We hung out like two days go.

Me: Haha.

I cringe a little at my response. I honestly don't know what else to say. I can't take it seriously because it could be sarcastic.

He texts back quick.

Rhys: What kind of response is that? 

Oh man...

Me: Idk what to say!

Rhys: lol

Rhys: I'm being serious, you know. I'm starting to miss our little chats.


Why does my chest have to beat so hard whenever he says something? Shouldn't I be over this? 

Rhys: You don't believe me?

Me: I never said I didn't. Why do you say that?

I mean I've been a little standoffish, but I'm always like that. I don't trust people easily. I think he should know that by now.

Rhys: Ha Ha. 

His response annoys me. I want him to answer me, but I also kind of know why he isn't. I get it. I'm not an open book. I'm sure he knows I don't trust easy by now, too. Gosh, you're not that hard to read, Theo. You literally start crying when he kisses you.

Oh God. That has to be why he hasn't kissed me all week. He's still freaked out from that, isn't he. God, Theo.

An idea comes to me after a moment. I need to be more involved with this if I want it to go somewhere. I ponder my thinking for a moment longer before typing out a text to him.

Me: What are you doing later?

He responds after a few minutes.

Rhys: Doing office work for my Dad... then nothing... what you thinking, girl?

My heart starts beating twice as hard, but I type out my text anyway. 

Me: My Dad's gone for the night... want to come over and we can watch some Netflix or something?

Rhys: Christ, Leigh! Do you know how you sound right now?

I narrow my eyes at his response in confusion before looking at the text I sent before. 


My whole face is red. I'm glad my Dad can't see me right now. I literally sound like I'm booty-calling Rhys. I even said NETFLIX... like NETFLIX and chill. WHAT THE HELL. AND I PUT DOTS. WHY DID I PUT THE DOTS?

Me: OMG. Aaaaaaaahhhh that's embarrassing!!! I do NOT mean that!!! 

I know he's laughing at me right now. I just know it.

Rhys: Maybe I should come over when your dad is home... idk if I can be alone with you now. ;)

Oh my God.

Me: Rhys!!!! Stop it!

Rhys: Okay fine... but the thought is in my head, Theo. Now I really don't know if I should come. Not because of you but because of me...

I really don't know if he's serious or not. But, either way, that text just sent shivers up my back. What do I even say to that? I'm about to text something stupid but he messages me again before I can.

Rhys: I'll come over after supper.

That just gave me more chills.


"Can you grab the pizza out of the oven? I'm late."

"Sure, dad." 

I walk over to the oven and pull it out quickly, cutting into equal triangles before putting it on a plate for my Dad. I need him to get the heck out of here because Rhys will be coming soon and he does not need to know this. I honestly have no idea how he would react but I will not be finding that out tonight. I'm already about to have an anxiety attack over a guy coming over to my house. Jesus, help me.

I suddenly have a brilliant idea and put two pieces of pizza on a paper plate and put plastic wrap over it. My dad comes in just when I finish and I immediately pass it to him with a smile. "Here, I made it to go. So you can leave now."

He looks at me for a moment before chuckling. "You tryna get rid of me, kiddo? What, you having a party I don't know about?"

I sarcastically laugh at him but I can feel my cheeks heat in embarrassment. Just leave, Dad. Just go, now. 

"Alright. Don't let your phone die because I want to check in when I get to the cabin."

"Yes, I won't."

"Thanks for the pizza. Bye, honey." He kissed me on the cheek and gives me a hug.

"Bye, Dad! Have a good time with, Doug."

"I'll catch you a big walleye."

"Sounds good, pops." I laugh as he walks out of the room.

A few minutes later I hear the front door close and I breathe a sigh of relief and plop myself on the couch. I start eating a piece of pizza but realize I can't eat because my nerves are so high. Not even ten minutes go by and I hear my phone go off. 

Rhys texted, saying he's almost here.

Oh no.

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