twenty five

160 9 2

After assuring Ronnie and Ashton that I'm just staying here until my laundry is done and not for any other reason (not that they bought it), they finally leave. I could tell Ashton was more hesitant in letting me stay. I know he trusts Rhys and they're buds and all, but I think he's worrying more because it's me. After all, he does know me better than Rhys... so he probably has a reason to. 

Ronnie, on the other hand, is over the moon about the idea. She practically pushed Ashton out of the house so I could be alone with Rhys. I think she just really wants me to have some experiences with boys for once. The thought makes me feel sorry for myself and I sigh. 

I wish I was just a braver person. 

"Your clothes are in." 

Rhys comes up behind me suddenly and I spin around. He has a cautious look on his face, almost like he's suddenly unsure of how to act. I nod at him and take a peek back at the window where I was just watching Ronnie and Ashton drive away. Well, it's just us now.

I turn back around to look at Rhys and I let a small smile play at my lips. I can see him visibly relax a bit and a knowing smirk replaces his look of worry.

"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Okay." I breathe in before following him into the basement. 

I'm feeling super shy suddenly, but for some reason, I'm feeling way more comfortable about this than I ever thought I could be. We're alone. We're alone because I trust him enough to be. That fact alone has me feeling all kinds of triumph within myself. I never thought this would happen to me. 

We reach the bottom of the stairs and Rhys grabs the TV remote before plopping himself on the couch. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow, noticing the embarrassing smile I have plastered on my face. I can't seem to get rid of it. Interesting

I slowly move my feet towards him. I'm being weird... awkward. I don't even know what I'm doing--I just feel super giddy all of a sudden.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he eyes me up with a curious expression. 

"Hm?" I smile even bigger. If my face wasn't red before, it definitely is now. I see a smile teasing his lips while he watches me slowly walk over.

"Can you get here already?" He smiles then looks at my legs impatiently. I snicker escapes my lips and I want to slap myself. Why am I acting like this!? 

I come to the edge of the couch and sit down. I have to hold in my laugh because I'm sitting nowhere near him. I can tell he's looking at me, waiting for me to do something. 

"Alright then. I'm putting on this horror film that's new on Netflix." He tells me, not saying anything about the distance between us. I wonder for a moment if he even knows I'm joking. 

What if he actually thinks I'm this awkward? Okay, well maybe I am this awkward. But I'm trying to be right now!

A snort brings me out of my thoughts and my eyes land on him. He shakes his head for a moment before looking at me. A giant grin is on his face and for a moment, there's no word to describe him except for adorable. 

So. Beautiful

"Get your ass over here."

I'm instantly drawn--it's his eyes-- he doesn't have to tell me twice. I scoot over to him, leaving a few inches of space between us. He eyes those inches as if they're feet and suddenly he has my legs wrapped in his arms and he's pulling me basically on top of him. Well, my legs are anyway. A nervous giggle escapes my mouth and I can't do anything except stare up at him and smile. 

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