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Ashton's face is priceless. He's looking as if I just said I'm about to take a hit of some drug.

Rhys is staring at me with no emotion, per usual. Although, I can't quite tell for sure--he's still wearing his sunglasses. I give him a smirk and look at Nial who is chugging his beer. He finishes and then crushes it, letting out a wild cheer.

"You, my lady, are the sexiest thing I've laid eyes on. Marry me," he chides. I can't help but laugh at him. He is already so drunk and it's barely noon.

"I'm coming with you."

The words I would have assumed to come out of Ashton's mouth, did not. I whip my head in the direction of the voice and lay my eyes on Rhys. Nial and Ashton do the same.

I narrow my eyes for a moment. Rhys, what do you think you are doing?

I'm about to tell him to bugger off but something stops me. He wants to challenge me. He thinks I'll be too scared to tube with him and that is just not okay. Maybe it's the two beers inside of me, maybe it's the drug of adrenaline still oozing in my veins, but I am most definitely taking this man up on his challenge.

"Let's go, then." I am already up on my feet, pulling the tube closer to the boat. What am I doing... what am I doing...

I can't ignore the sudden rush of nervousness invading my stomach when I see him remove his shirt from behind me. Oh boy. This is happening. "Uh oh, Theo," Ashton whispers lowly behind me, his voice laced with a suggestive tone. I ignore him completely.

The tube approaches the boat and I immediately go to step inside when a hand lightly touches my side, making me flinch. I know it was his touch. His hands recoil from my reaction and I can't help but feel a little embarrassed by it. I try to ignore it but I end up looking him straight in the eyes--he's not wearing his sunglasses anymore. I can see and feel his eyes blaze right into me. I feel undressed—scared, suddenly. I swallow.

"Ready?" I say it without moving my gaze.

He gives me a look I don't understand. He almost seems kind of concerned. Why? Does he think I won't be able to handle this? Ha. Bring it.

"Yes," he says after a moment.

I turn to Ashton for second, summoning him. "Give me your beer for a sec."

He raises his eyebrows in question, but he passes it to me. I take it and drink it until there's nothing left. Okay, there's only, like, half of a can left, but I still feel kind of badass doing it. I toss the empty can back to him with a smile. After his look of shock passes, he smiles, too. I shake my head and laugh. I turn back to the tube and step inside. I am thankful that I'm able to get in the tube without any assistance. I don't quite care to have Rhys manhandling me at the moment.

I settle inside the tube, maneuvering onto my side. I am not too sure how this works. I have never tubed with another person and it is making me rather nervous. How do we sit? Do we have to have the same stance?

My thoughts are interrupted when Rhys steps in beside me—too close to me. His arm grazes mine and I instinctively move away so I'm not touching him. Nerves fill me up and I do my best to shake them. I can feel him looking at me--studying me. He's going to see right through me.

I try to take a deep breath. Nial pushes the tube and we begin our ascend away from the boat. We'll be alone. Together. I swallow hard.

"You okay?" he suddenly asks from beside me, sending a shiver through my entire body.

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