forty three

104 6 0

I basically topple myself off the couch sending my pizza on to the floor. 

He's going to be here any minute. Oh God, and my Dad just left. What if he didn't leave the driveway and he's just sitting there waiting to see if I do something bad? 

Okay, I might be a little dramatic.

I get up off the floor and attempt my best quick clean-up around the kitchen and the living room. A moment of hesitation passes before I send myself downstairs, too. It doesn't mean anything but I'm sure he'll want to at least see what the basement looks like... which incidentally happens to be my bedroom. I only have time to pick up my dirty clothes from the floor before he sends a text to let me know he's here. I have a mini freak out and decide I'm too awkward to answer the door like a normal person so I tell him to just come in. God, Theo.

I'm still downstairs when I hear the front door open and close. I swear my heart stops beating just realizing he's upstairs in my house right now. 

And I'm down here. Basically hiding. I'm twenty-years-old and I'm hiding in my basement from a boy. 

Slowly, I make my way up the steps to greet him. I know he is probably feeling a bit awkward just standing alone in a house he has never been inside. This is my home and he is my guest now-not the other way around. I can't be fiddling away with my shyness in my own house.

"Rhys?" I call out, a little more quietly than I should have. I reach the top of the stairs and slowly maneuver my way to the front door. I expect to see him just standing there but he isn't. I look around. Perhaps he is sitting at the kitchen table waiting for me. I walk into the kitchen but it's empty. What the heck? Silence fills the entire household and I can feel myself fill with unease. It's a little too quiet. I swear I heard someone upstairs a few moments ago. I know he's here. I walk into the living room before hearing a quiet shuffle around the corner towards my dad's bedroom. Oh my God. I can hear my heartbeat start to pulse through my ears. "Rhys..."

Is it possible right now that a murderer could be in my house right now? Could it just be a wild coincidence that I might have to fight for my life in a few seconds?

I'm almost around the corner before a huge body lunges itself at me, wrapping its arms around my waist. A scream I didn't even know I had in me leaves my lungs and I feel myself being momentarily lifted from the ground. My nerves are lifted slightly when I smell his familiar scent being pressed against his sweater. Rhys.

Good God, it's Rhys.

His low rumble soon fills the whole house and I can safely say that if I hadn't just gone to the bathroom a few minutes ago I would have definitely peed myself.

"Rhys! Jesus, are you kidding me?" I squeal. He continues his hearty laugh before gently tossing me onto the couch. His full frame comes into view and my nerves almost completely vanish.

"I'm sorry. It was way too tempting. I knew you were down there and the idea just came to me." He laughs. His eyes are wrinkled in the corners from how big he is smiling. He is completely proud of himself right now. I can't help but laugh along with him. "Oh my God, you're scream, though."

"Well holy shit, Rhys!"

He bubbles up a laugh again and the sound of it warms me like a hug.

"I'm sorry, Leigh."

"Okay, Collins."

He looks down at me, still smiling wide. I'm laying on the couch looking up at him. He's in the superior position right now but it feels completely fine to me. He comes down to my level and crawls on top of me. I don't move I just watch him. "Hi." He says, his hands moving to my ribcage.

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