twenty nine

145 7 0

We make it back to the bleachers eventually. The game has started and I honestly don't care that much about it right now. Are they winning or losing? I really don't care.

To my surprise and utter delight, Brooke and Brock are no longer there. We didn't see them when we were walking back from the stalls so I wonder if they're even still here. Ashton sits alone on the bench and he waves down at us with a 'wtf' look on his face. Me and Ronnie grunt as we tread up the stairs and plop our butts down next to him.

"Where did you guys go? Y 'all just up and left."

"Y' all were having a conversation that Theo and I weren't part of." Ron practically spits in Ashton's face and I have to hold back my 'holy shit'  face.

"What are you talking about, Ron?" 

Ashton... you really are not that bright sometimes. 

"Theo, what did I do?" Ashton asks, looking over at me with his eyes full of plea. A very confused expression is on his face and it's purely comical because he actually has no idea what he did wrong.

"Nothing," I reply. Which is exactly what he did wrong.

"Is this about Brooke?"

Getting closer Ashton. Good job. 

Ronnie is ignoring him and I'm the only one who's paying attention. I give him a 'what do you think' look but follow it with a gentle smile to be nice. I turn my attention to the field and ask him what the score is before he says anything more stupid to Ron. 

Surprise, surprise. Rhys already scored a goal. It's been what... 5 minutes? Oh boy.

The game is going pretty fast. We're already well into the second half and Seattle is winning, of course. Rhys has scored three goals and Ashton says that's why he got on the team early. Ron stays pretty quiet for most of the game. She mostly just stays on her phone, swatting Ashton's hand away every so often. I stay pretty quiet, too. The vibe kind of went down after Brooke and Brock came over. Plus, Ashton didn't help at all by treating them like best friends. I think they left to go somewhere because I haven't seen them for a while. I'm not complaining, though. 

I can't help but watch Rhys on the field. He's number fourteen. I know that now. Now I can't stop watching him. The way he connects with his team, even though they're probably a bit older than him and have been on the team for longer, is pretty cool to watch. I know he's always been the athletic type and all, but it just feels different watching him play on any team but Growers High.

The game is almost over and I can't help but feel uneasy. I don't know if Rhys wants to see me. I don't even know if I want to see him. He sure didn't seem over the moon at my appearance. I can't seem to keep my emotions in check when I suddenly turn to Ashton.

"Ashton, is Rhys hanging out with Brooke or something?"

He gives me a look that I can't read. Confusion or concern? He sighs before speaking and pulls his hand through his hair, seeming a little put off by my question. My stomach sinks at his reaction. He is, isn't he.

"No, Theo. I don't know. Fuck. He likes you, okay?"

Ron snaps her head in Ashton's direction, instantly involving herself now. "What do you mean you don't know? Do you know something?"

"Why are you even asking me that?" 

"Because he seemed pretty fucking friendly to Brooke. Not to mention so did you!" Ron's eyes have daggers in them and I can tell Ashton's anxiety is increasing. 

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