"You know I'm not giving up on you, right?" He says, moving my hair back, exposing the skin on my neck whilst all I can do is try to contain myself. His touch makes me insane. "I'll always make sure you're at best." He adds, placing a light kiss on the side if mt neck then bowing his head in defeat on my shoulder. "Just stay with me. Don't leave." He strains out, struggling to get the words out.

I already feel tears scraping my eyes, threatening to escape. I'm so confused, and I don't know what to do. One part is telling me to leave and forget everything, and the other just can't seem to let go of Tristan. He's become my everything, and how can I forget that?

"You'll get better, angel." He assures me in a low tone, his breath fanning my skin. "We both will."

With that, he sighs and turns away, walking out the door and shutting it behind him.

Tristan's POV:

Closing the door to our house, I turn to the guard on the side. "Keep an eye on her, and call me if anything happens." I order, buttoning my suit jacket.

"Yes, boss." He replies, nodding his head.

With that, I walk over to my car and drive off, my mind set on revenge.


"Wake the fuck up." I growl, my elbow connecting with his jaw.

"What the fuck?" He hisses, tilting his head back as I circle him.

"Is this what you wanted? Are you satisfied now?"

"What are you talking about?" He replies, coughing out.

"Does it feel better? Knowing that you killed your grandchild?" I shout, fisting my hands as I watch his eyes widen and his throat bob.

"What?" He replies in a low tone. "Aurora? She...what?" He shokes out, caught by surprise.

"Let's not pretend that you care." I hiss, crossing my arms over my chest, and glaring at him.

"She lost her baby?" He asks in disbelief as I just murderously stare at him, gritting my jaw at the thought. He stays silent for a moment, looking down and taking it all in. Then he swallows and speaks up again. "Can I talk to her?"

"Are you fucking serious?" I snap. "You think you deserve a second chance? You stupid cunt. Where the fuck were you when she gave you a second chance, huh?" I question as his face saddens and he avoids my gaze.

"I made a mistake." He admits "I just want to talk to her."

"Well we don't always get what we want." I reply, the veins on my neck pulsating. "Aurora wanted to be a mother, and you all ruined that for her."

"And guess what? Now I'm going to ruin you. The things I'll do to you are indescribable. I'm going to put you in so much pain you'll pray to die and go to hell than endure it any longer." I promise him, stepping away and observing the tools on the shelf.

"You're seriously going to kill me?" He asks in disbelief. "I'm her father." He claims, raising his voice, irritating me even more. "You think she won't need me? You think she won't wake up one day and hate you for it?"

"She won't." I reply dryly.  "I'll be everything she needs that she won't even remember your name." I assure him, stalking closer.

"And don't you dare call yourself her dad. Not after how you've treated her." I warn him. I can't fucking stand men like him.

"And you don't think I regret it?" He cries out, his pathetic cries making me roll my eyes.

"Oh, what the fuck do you know about regret?" I reply with a scoff.

"I would've never wished for her to lose her child." He shouts, making my anger built up even more. "Can I just apologize to her?"

"No you're not going to apologize to her." I snap, grabbing him by the neck and squeezing the sides. "You'll never see her again. What kind of father kidnaps his own daughter and gives her to a mafia boss?" I eventually let go of him, and he gasps for air.

"I would've spared you if you were at least decent to her. But you weren't. And you were just as involved in this as everyone else. Now it's time you pay." I tell him, walking over to him with my pliers, nails and hammer.


Feeling somewhat satisfied, I stop and step back to look at him. He looks like he might be dead, I beat him up good. But I know he isn't. I'm not letting him die, not yet. I'm not going easy on any of them. They'll all suffer the consequences. And the fact that Carson's her dad is irrelevant to me. Hurt her and I'll hurt you back.

I walk back to my car, and head over to my club. I need to find a way to keep myself busy, so that's what I'm doing.

Aurora has no idea what I'm doing to Carson, to Claire, to Petrov, and to everyone who helped them. And I'm not telling her either. She would resent me for it.

And knowing her, she'd tell me to not hurt them, even after everything they did to her. But that's not happening, not this time.

I remember how I once promised her that I'll try not to kill as many people as I should. She was so happy. But now, I'm going to have to break my promise. I can't not make them pay for what they did. She's already upset, and what she doesn't know won't hurt her.

She's already pushing me away.

Reaching the club, I walk in, greeted by Elijah. I'm in no mood to talk to him, or anyone else for that matter.

I ignore everyone's calls out for me and step inside my office, locking the door behind me.

I'll just bury myself in my work, hoping that it'll make me feel better.

As I worked on my laptop, I started being bothered by the phone's continuous ringing. I'm not in the right mindset to talk to anyone, I'd just snap at them.

But the fucking noise is irritating me so I pick up my phone, and check the caller ID. It's Miles.

Miles is the guard at the front of the house, the one I assigned the task of looking after Aurora when I'm not around.

I answer the phone, and hold it up to my ear. "Boss." He says into the phone.

"Miles, did something happen?" I reply, leaning back onto my chair.

"She just left the house."

So, uhm. My phone broke. Love that for me😍

But seriously, I intended to take a small break of five days but it ended up being so much longer and I apologise for that😭

Now, I'm writing on my laptop which I had just gotten back recently considering I had lented it to my friend.

But I swear on my dolphin plushy that I will be updating more frequently from here on out. The next update is in two days.

Thank you for being patient with me. I've missed you guys.

And thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting. You guys are amazing💞

Lots of love❤

Published: 29th July 2019.

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