Just one more night

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Draco threw a chair into the wall in outrage " You're what?!" Hermione had asked Draco come and meet her in room of requierment, she told him carefully about the news and he exploded. He was blood red in his face and unbelievable upset.

" You heard me! Seriously how couldn't you see this coming!?" Hermione yelled back.

" Oh excuse me ms Granger for not being so amazingly perfect as you think you're always are! You're stuck in your everything-is-perfect world. And as fast as something is against you, you just go and cry in a corner. And you have no life, all you do is study!''

" At least I have a brain! You...are so god damn mean to people and you're proud of it! Bloody bastard, you're a coward and everyone knows it but they don't dare to say it. You're a failure!!"

Slap! Draco's hand met Hermione's cheek, hard.

Hermione gasped and touched her left cheek, it hurted so bad. She heard herself sobbing and didn't dare to move.

" God Hermione I'm so so sorry!" Draco said shocked. He couldn't believe it, he had put his anger on her. On her! She was the last person in the world he would do that to. All his years he had trouble controling his anger and emotions.

He embraced her but Hermione pushed him away. " Don't you dare touch me ever again, you...you pshyco!" She walked over to the door but Draco grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him.

" Nobody's walking out on me. And definitely not when I try to talk with someone" Draco hissed. " Don't touch me I said! I don't want you and I don't need you either. I HATE you!"

" Stop okay! The reason you had to stay away from me is because I have a mission!" " Yeah you do, like taking care of the baby, but guess what? You won't be able to"

Draco's heart stopped beating, he had been so busy yelling at his girlfriend so he forgot about the baby. " Wh-what..? What do you..."

" You won't see it. I don't want it to know the father is a cruel death eater"

" Hermione, listen to me, that's not fair. The baby needs a father, seriously, you can't..." " Of course I can! And I will"

" I have to kill someone!!" Draco suddenly screamed out. Hermione was taken aback, she didn't know if she heard right. Kill someone? Who?

" You...what?" Her voice was suddenly calm and normal.

Draco broked out in tears, and sat down on the floor. " I have to kill someone Mione. It's not a joke. I don't want you and your....OUR baby to be near me. Especially not tomorrow"

" Who are you...?" " I can't say. If I don't do this, HE's going to kill me" He looked at her, her brown eyes filled with anxiety. She wasn't angry anymore, she never was actually. She just needed to scream. All the pressure and thoughts going inside her head.

Draco placed a hand on her cheeks and Hermione wiped away some tears from his cheek. Their forheads leaning against each other.

" Please, Hermione. I am truly sorry for what I did to you. Please if you give me one more chance I'll...." " Ssh...don't think about it" She whispered. Draco still felt horrible and kissed her cheek softly.

She flinched a bit but Draco was careful. " I'm so sorry" He whispered again. " I'm sorry I yelled at you. I don't hate you, I love you"

" Well good, because I love you too"

" I don't think you're a failure. Really, I think you're brilliant. Perfect" She said and kissed him, she sat down on his lap and Draco stroked her back.

" You're most smartest and wonderful girl I've ever met"

" Let's do it tonight" Hermione said, her voice sounded aroused. Draco smiled against her lips.

" Just you and me. Just one more night"

Just one more night [Dramione]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن