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Hermione was still a bit pissed at Draco for forcing her to go on the ball with him. What was she supose to say to her friends if they asked?

She sat in the Gryffindor common room, and wrote her essay. " Hey Mione" She turned around to the staris and saw Neville Longbottom there. " Hi Nev, how are you?"

" Oh I'm fine, thank you. You?" He said with a nervous tone. " Um... I'm fine" Hermione said doubtly. " What are you doing?"

" Just...writing an essay..." She answered quietly. " So.....are you goin to the ball?" He asked. "Well...Um....yes. You? "

" Absolutely! It will be great, I want to go with Luna....but I don't know if I should ask her"

" Of course you should! You guys would make a great couple at the bale. Really Neville" Hermione smiled. " Ask her"

" you mean like now??" He said with a confused look. " No, next year, yes of course I mean NOW!"

Neville hurried out from the room and ran straight out. " Run Neville run"


" Hey Mione" Hermione turned around when she recognized Ron's voice. " What do you want?" She mumbled. " Still mad at me?" Hermione rolled her eyes and and sighed. " Yes I am and why are you here? Shouldn't you be snogging '' Lavie'' or something?"

" She's in the library with Parvati. It's you I wanted to see" He pulled back a brown curl behind her ear and stroked her chin. Hermione took a hold of his hand and closed her eyes. " Ron stop....okay?'re with Lavender for Merlin's sake"

" I don't care" He reminded her of Malfoy now, so she opened her eyes. But she met Ron's eyes instead of Malfoy's. " What do you care about then? Because you definitely don't care about my feelings"

" Mione I know I was an total ass before. And I'm sorry, I really I am" Hermione smiled now and blushed.

" It's okay. I forgive you" Suddenly he kissed her and wrapped his arms around her. He was more gentle than Draco for the moment, but Ron kissed her harder and rougher.

" Jeez take it easy Ron" Hermione said when he kissed her neck. They heard the portrait open and they parted. Their faces were red just like Ron's hair. Hermione fixed her hair rigidly and Ron stood up.

" Hey guys" Ginny greeted. " Hey, Gin" Hermione said. " What...are you doing?" Hermione and Ron exchanged glances and looked at Ginny. " Um nothing. We just talked" Ron said. " Yeah we're friends again"

Ginny raised an eyebrow and walked with slowly steps away from them.

" Right......"


The next day Hermione had butterflies in her stomach, everytime she talked to Ron. But when she saw him with her, everything just fell apart inside of her. They hadn't told anyone about the kisses they shared the other night, but Draco couldn't avoid that there was something making Hermione happy everytime Ron was around her.

He didn't like that. Not at all.

But he was glad he already had her for the bale. Weasley couldn't ask her, because the Brown-girl would start a war between them. And Potter, well he was with the other Weasley-girl. Was there someone more? Ah, McLaggen.

He wouldn't dare asking her, not after what Draco did to him after he harassed her at that party. When Hermione had fallen into deep sleep, he'd left her just for a little while.

He found McLaggen and gave him a blue eye. Draco had to admit, it felt great to have something to lay all his emotions on. He knew he could be very agressive when he was angry. He wanted control, and he was determind to have it. Blaise knew that. Things could get ugly.

All he could hope was that he would never ever, lay all his anger on Hermione. Never.

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