Harry Potter Tag

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So, I got tagged in this stuff and answer some questions. I don't mind though, this is just my type of questions.

Okay so here we go;
1. Favourite book?
- Chamber of Secrets

2. Least favourite book?
- Okay, who came up with this question? Anyway, I think...Prisoner of Azakaban. Don't get me wrong I loved it, but yeah, I have to chose one.

3. Favourite movies?
- Deathly Hallows part 2

4. Least favourite movie?
- And again, who came up with this question? Deathly Hallows part 1.

5. Favourite Character?
- Luna and Fred and George.

6. Least Favourite character?
- Umbridge.

7. Favourite proffesor?
- McGonagoll.

8. Least favourite professor.
- And the award goes to...Professor Umbridge!

9. Dumbledore's Army or order of the Phoenix?
- Dumbledore's Army 👊

10. Favourite Weasley?
- Lol, Fred and George. I wish I had two brother's like them.

11. Least favorite Weasley?
- *cough* Percy * cough*

12. Who should Hermione ended up with?
- Well if you've read all of my stories I'm sure you already know the answer of that one. I like Romione too, they're cute. But Dramione could've been so powerful.

13. Favourite villian?
- It feels weird of saying it, but Bellatrix. Even though she's crazy she's still cool at some point. Don't judge me.

14. Who's your Hogwarts crush?
- Draco or Neville.

15. Favourite qoute?
- It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow up to be. / Dumbledore.

16. Parts of the book/movie that made you cry?
- I haven't really cried while watching or Reading Harry Potter. But I felt so down when I read the part where Harry's parents died in the last book.

And in the movie, it's when Harry burns Voldemort by saying; you don't know love or friendship. And I feel sorry for you.
All those throwbacks omg.

17. Favourite Hogwarts home?
- Gryffindor.

18. Which house are you in?
- I'm a GryffinPuff.

19. Where would you rather live?
- The Burrow. It seems cozy.

20. If you played Quidditch? Which position?
- Seeker

21. What is your patronus?
- I think Wolf.

22. What Amortentia smell like for you?
- I love these questions but I don't really have any crush right now. But I guess something like perfume, something to do with food and strawberry.

23. Hallows or Horrocruxes?
- I think Horrocruxes. A bit more exciting.

24. Hippogriffs or Thestrals?
- They're both so cute but Thestrals. 'Cus just like Luna said, they're very missunderstood because they're diffrent. And I don't know why but, I'm in some way " attracted" to what's diffrent.

25. Hook up with Dean or Seamus?
- Dean, he's very handsome.

26. Favourite charachter from each house?
- Jeez okay; Gryffindor, Hermione.
Ravenclaw, Luna
Hufflepuff, Cedric.
Slytherin, Draco.

27. Favourite subjects?
- Potions.

28. Favourite Marauder?
- Remus.

29. Hang out with Pansy or Lavender.
- I'm not such a fan of both of them. But I'd rather hang out with someone who's a little bit annoying than a bully, so Lavender.

30. If you could save only one of the dying characters in Harry Potter which one?
- I think Fred honestly. George lost his other half, so Fred.

Okay now I nominate Sectumsempralways  SlytherinPrincess20 and -DarkWitch-

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