Chapter 9: Still a lost wallet

Start from the beginning

My work isn't the most fancy or the best paying job but it pays my rent. It's a cozy place as well with sweet owners and some lovely costumers... Well some of them.

Every day of my life I'ved worked. Summer jobs, different waiter jobs but in school is where I worked the hardest.
Education has always been one of my most important priorities. Can't remember a day I haven't studied at least a little, can't remember a day I haven't worked hard to get good grades and I can't remember a day I haven't been nervous for not being good enough in the American school system. When I was younger I fought hard for my 4.0 gpa and I did everything that would look good on a college resume. I was a part of the honor society, captain of multiple clubs and had more college credit than any of the other students at my high school combined. All my work in high school landed me a full scholarship to UCLA.
Now I work to keep my scholarship and to get the best possible education so I'll never have to live in poverty. Growing up in the system has taught me that the way out of poverty is education.
I always had that in mind.

"Cinnamon latte, please"

"Of course" I smile kindly at the costumer on the other side of the desk.

"$4.45 and may I ask for a name?"

So my day went on from early work and then late classes at UCLA. I had precisely made my work schedule fit my college classes. Always prepared. School was always on my mind, but even though I'm sitting in class highly focused on my professor then I can't help but worry about my bills. After this it's on with the hunt.

As I'm waking off campus I'm trying to track back my steps. I remember the club and when we ordered shots and drinks I definitely had my wallet. Yet after the meet with Will everything got blurred. I don't recall us going anywhere but his apartment, which means I must have dropped my wallet on the way to his apartment. So my wallet can be anywhere in LA.

My girls only knows what happened in the club and they were both terribly drunk. There might be someone who remembers the night better that me but it would mean I have to see him again. And that's something I wish I could avoid. It's bad enough to seep with your ex but to drag him through the dirt with me is just mean. But I have no choice. I scroll through my contacts till I find William. I stand still for a second finding courage to dial his number. Finally I hit the button and my phone starts to ring. Shortly after I hear Will's voice on the other end.

"Hey Astrid" his voice sounds surprised and twisty like it was Santa who just hit him up.

"Hi, sorry to call Will but did we go anywhere after club before we went to your place?" I may have rushed it a bit but I didn't want to take more of his time than I had to.

"Well yeah we got an enchilada craving after those tequila shots"

"Tequila shots!" Suddenly all the pieces fell back into place.

"Yeah Astrid you're quite the party hard girl" he says laughing at my outburst.

"Me and tequila are in a complicated relationship" I explain. Truth be told I have a love hate relationship with tequila. I love them when I take them and hate them when I blackout.

"Ahh right almost forgot Astrid's 5 different steps when it comes to tequila" William's comment and laugh makes a smile creep up on my lips.

"I got to go"

"Hate to see you leave but love to see you walk away"

"Funny, bye Will"

"Bye Astrid"

My feet already know where to go, as I've walked this road so many times before when I'm hungry after studies for the best enchiladas in LA. There's no doubt where drunk Astrid would go to get her craving fulfilled.

"¿Jorge, cómo está usted?" The smell of food fills my nostrils as I enter la vaca.

"¡Astrid!muy bien. ¿Que tal?" Jorge smiles as he greets me.

"What can I do for you?" His accent is welcoming and familiar giving me hope that my wallet might be here.

"Did you by any mean find a wallet? Perhaps my wallet?" I ask eagerly. Jorge turns around and asks his coworkers in Spanish if they've found anything, but the response doesn't seem promising.

"I didn't find anything and neither did my coworkers but let me look in the lost and found box just to be sure" he replies sparking some hope in me.

I nervously wait for Jorge to return with hopefully my wallet. The seconds on the clock above the door is ticking in slow motion as I'm waiting. Finally I can see Jorge coming back.

"Sorry Astrid, no wallet" his voice is deep as he breaks the news making the last spark of hope go out.

"Thanks for your help, Jorge" I say trying to hide my disappointment. I give him a thankful-and goodbye nod before walking out the door.
And so the sun goes down after a long day of work and school but no wallet.

Hope you're all having a good day. I feel like we're all Astrid at some point in our life. Please tell me everyone can relate to loosing something😂

Stay safe❤️

Spoiler for next chapter:

"How long have you guys been following me?"

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