Thirty Six

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“Mmm…” Jimin groaned, rolling over in his bed, waving away the feeling of a Namjoon shaking him, trying to wake him up. “Five more minutes, Joonie.”

But the incessant shoving on him turned more violent, and the male gasped, opening his eyes. 

He remembered walking down a hall. 

And then a sharp pain to the head.

The queen looked around wildly, trying to figure out where he was. 

His eyes landed on the male in front of him, and he let out a small whimper, backing up in the bed that he was in.

“Ah,” The man began, smirking. “The bitch awakens.” Jimin curled himself into a ball, protecting his stomach with his legs as he stared at the man before him, fear coursing through his system. 

Jimin opted not to say anything, knowing that it was a safer option, not wanting to anger the man or cause him to do anything. 

The door to the room he was in was suddenly opened, and an all too familiar man stepped in. “I-im.” Jimin finally managed, staring at the man who had a horrible smirk on his face. 

“Look at you, Jimin. You’re pregnant now.” Jimin bit his bottom lip and looked away. “Got fucked by that new king, the traitor. Finally let someone touch that pretty little cunt of yours, eh?”

Jimin flinched the cold use of words. He had to remember that Im, even though he had been close with his father, didn’t know anything about him. He thought Jimin was still female. He thought that he was still the powerless princess. 

“Must be pretty good in bed, if you roped down the traitor king, eh?” Jimin refused to answer. 

That didn’t seem to be the response that Im wanted. He snapped his hand forward, slapping Jimin across the face so fast that the queen didn’t even have a chance to react properly. 

Jimin gasped after, clutching his cheek, his eyes watering at the sting following the blow. “You useless cunt. Sleeping with the enemy. I knew that you wouldn’t do any good for the family and your father, told him to get rid of you as soon as he could. And now what? You’re sleeping with the enemy? Fucking useless.” The man started to pace around the room. “But I heard that the traitor actually loves you! Oh, the things that I could do to you and that man. Imagine. Him begging on his knees for the safety of you.” Jimin flinched when the man leaned forward. “For the safety of your child.”


“Fuck!” Namjoon’s fist met the glass top of the table, completely shattering it. 

The men around him all flinched at the violent movement. 

“What do we do?” Yoongi whispered. He clutched the letter found in Jungkook’s room in his hand. They’d just shown Namjoon. 

“Joon.” Hoseok finally spoke up. “I know this looks bad...but come on, you’ve gotten to know Jungkook. He would never do something like this.”

“How do you know? How can you know a hundred percent sure that he had nothing to do with this!? He would have told at least one of you about the letter!”

“Maybe He was scared. Maybe he thought it didn’t matter, that nothing would actually happen. But you know Jungkook, Namjoon. You know that he has no real interest in the throne. And he would never do anything to hurt Jimin.”

“My brother is laying on the ground right now, unconscious.” Namjoon spat. “My husband is somewhere unsafe, our child at risk as well. The person who might have been want me to just free him!?”

“What is he going to do!” Yoongi suddenly snapped. “Think about it! Wouldn’t he have gone with them had he really been responsible!? He wouldn’t have let you just throw him in the dungeon!”

“Maybe that’s his game! He thought we’d still trust him!”

“I do still trust him!” Hoseok placed a hand on Yoongi’s shoulder, getting him to calm down. Yoongi reluctantly stood down as Namjoon paced around the room.

“He stays in the cell until I know for certain. For now, we need to locate where that fucker is.”

“Wait...isn’t his son here?” Hoseok finally asked. “That guy that Jimin always hangs out with? Whatever happened to him? He isn’t around much...anymore…”

All of the men seemed to come to a realization. “That fucker!” Namjoon exploded. “Find him! I want him in this room, now! I want answers!”

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