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Third Person POV

Jimin pulled against the arms holding him. “Let me go.” Yoongi released him.

“Jimin you’re—“

“Male? Yes, I know.”


“I have an ability? Yes, I know that as well. Although, technically not mine…” Jimin waved a hand. His father was kneeling on the ground, glaring at him.

“You useless cunt! Help me!”

“Fuck you.” Jimin said flatly. The King's eyes flickered in surprise.

“What the hell did you just say to me!?” Jimin walked slowly over to his father, standing in front of him. He reached up and tore the collar off of his own neck, throwing it on the ground. The others in the room stared at him in shock.

Collars couldn’t be taken off.

By anybody who had an ability.

But Jimin had one, so how could he take it off?

Nothing made sense right now.

“I said to fuck off. I’ve been your little bitch up until now, playing your game and bowing my head. Fuck, I even let you whip me three times. I’m done. I could take it, everything you threw at me, but the moment you place my brother in danger—“


“Shut up, Jungkook. Don’t say anything.” Jimin snapped. Jungkook shut his mouth, shocked. His brother was never like this. Cold. Mean.


Jimin had snapped. He was done. He couldn’t take it anymore.

No, he didn’t blame Namjoon. He wasn’t mad at him. Because Namjoon had every right to do what he was to do.

But Jungkook would not be harmed. Not the only person who ever care about him, the only one who was ever kind.

“Why did you hide an ability?” Namjoon asked, coming up behind Jimin. He was wary, unsure of what the princes—prince would do.

“Because I wanted my father to acknowledge me even if I didn’t have an ability. He’d already basically screwed me over, and I wanted to see that maybe one day he’d actually give two fucks. Looks like he didn’t.”

“And I still don’t. You’re still a failure.”

“I know. I’m just your pathetic daughter. Weak, powerless, and useless. Right father?”

“You can’t do shit. You never will.”

“Yet I…” Jimin snapped his head up and glared at Namjoon. “Put your sword away.”

“I will kill him.”

“No you will not.”

“Do not try to stop me—“

I will.” Jimin said coldly. Everyone in the room seemed to stop breathing. Jungkook stared up, wide eyed. Horror filled his expression.

“Come on Jimin, be serious—“

“I am. Put your sword away, if anyone is going to kill him, it will be me.”

“But—“ Jimin ignored what he was to say and turned back to his father.

“Hear that? I am going to kill you with my bare hands. And show you that even someone as pathetic as me can kill the great king.”

You? You can’t kill me you pathetic bitch—“ the king gasped as Jimin threw himself forward, grabbing his throat with a single hand and squeezing.

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