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Third Person POV

Jimin sat there, a little uncomfortable as Namjoon made his way to the table.

They were outside in the garden, about to have lunch.

Tomorrow would be their wedding day, and to say Jimin was nervous would be an understatement.

He’d tried talking to Jungkook, but his brother seemed rather occupied by two men who never seemed to leave his side, and plus, Jimin wasn’t comfortable sharing the things he wanted to in front of them, knowing that they were loyal to Namjoon first and foremost.

And most of what he wanted to say was about Namjoon, so he really had no one to talk to.

This was also probably the first time they were alone for longer than a few seconds in the past week. They hadn’t had a proper conversation ever since Jimin had...made an offer to Namjoon.

Which he still had to talk about with Jungkook, as the prince didn’t like borrowing abilities without permission unless he had to.

Namjoon sat in the chair across from him. “Good afternoon, Jimin.”

“You too, Namjoon.” They sat in an awkward silence for awhile before Jimin gathered enough courage and cleared his throat. “S-So how have you been?” He squeaked out.

Namjoon offered a small, slightly amused smile.

“I’ve just been preparing everything. I’m sure you’ve noticed the ruckus.” Jimin nodded. Namjoon had released some of the maids and butlers under sworn loyalty to set everything up, and the whole palace had been in a frenzy with preparations. “And how have you been, Minnie?”

Jimin feel thinself relax at the sound of a nickname.

“Fine...I’ve wanted to talk to Jungkook for awhile...but your men seem attached to him at the hip and some things...well I don’t feel comfortable saying in front of them.”

“You could always tell me.” Namjoon smiled and leaned forward. “After all, once we are wed we should trust each other a little more and be a bit more open with one another.”

“W-well I can’t say, seeing as it regards…” Jimin waved his hand. “A-anyway, that sounds like a good idea to me. W-why don’t we learn about each other today?”

“I think that sounds like a wonderful idea.” Namjoon smiled warmly, glad the the prince was becoming warmer again to him.

“W-would you tell me about...your past?” Jimin asked shyly. But his eyes widened when Namjoon stopped smiling and frowned instead. “I-I men’s only if you’re comfortable! I don’t want to overstep my boundaries...I-I’ve just been curious, that’s all.”

“No, I can tell you, Minnie. But I don’t wish to sadden you.”

“I-I want to know.” Namjoon nodded.

“I was the crown prince of a small country in the south. We may have been small, but we were rich in raw materials. Diamonds and silver, to be exact. We were a trading kingdom, we had no ill will towards anyone and we hadn’t engaged in a war for centuries. I had a younger sister whom I adored and protected above all else. You kind of remind me of her, in a way. She loved to draw, as well, and she was always kind to everyone, no matter who it was or what they had done.”

“She sounds wonderful.”

“You would have loved her.” Namjoon smiled sadly, looking up at the sky. “We were holding a festival. It was her birthday, my sister’s, actually. The whole kingdom loved her, and they held festivals for her birthday every year. She would always go into the town square and dance with the young children and make flower crowns with them. She could control and grow plants, and she always loved the gardens.”

Namjoon turned and gazed at the garden that they were currently in, feeling a pang of sadness in his chest at the memory of the days when he and his sister would simply sit in the garden and smile, feeling content and happy.

“On her sixteenth birthday we were holding the usual festival. But it was different. There were soldiers everywhere, wearing different colors than the few that we had did. And suddenly everyone was dying around us.”

Jimin hesitantly reached out and placed a hand over Namjoon’s when he saw the man begin to shake in anger.

“We were pushed behind the few guards we had. There had never been much of a reason for them, as we were a peaceful country and we had no enemies. People were running everywhere...and we could only watch as they were cut down. My parents told us to run. So we did. I took my sister and we ran for the woods at the edge of the city, hoping to take shelter among the trees.”

Jimin squeezed Namjoon’s hand to comfort him.

“I saw him. Your father. He was standing on a black horse, smirking down at my parents. I’d made the mistake of turning back. I watched him cut down my parents and when he turned...his gaze met mine.”

Namjoon’s jaw clenched and he let out a sad chuckle under his breath.

“If never felt so much hate for someone before. He had just taken everything from me. But...I hadn’t realized I had one last thing left, and I had just left her vulnerable. He...he took out his bow and aimed. We tried to make a run for it, and I pushed my sister forward, thinking he’d shoot me, I didn’t care, she needed to get to safety, but…”

Jimin saw tears coming to Namjoon's eyes and he quickly rose from his seat and kneeled in front of the man, wiping away his tears. “He shot her.” He whispered. “He shot her right through the heart. The forest, the forest right in front of us cried for her. It swept her body up and kept her body safe. I had no choice but to continue on my way. If she couldn’t live, then I would. I would live for her and my parents and I would avenge their deaths in any way that I could.”

Jimin nodded. “I don’t blame you for killing my family, Namjoon.” Jimin said quietly. “Some part of me is still sad, but I would never blame you. They gave you far worse pain than any person should receive.” Namjoon nodded and Jimin rose, pulling him in for a hug.

Namjoon smiled sadly, wrapping his arms around Jimin's small waist and pulling him closer, feeling comforted by the young prince.

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