Twenty Seven

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“What’s wrong, bun?” Jungkook jumped, whipping his head around to face Yoongi, who was standing at the doorway of his room.

“N-nothing.” The young prince muttered, furiously wiping away the tears from his eyes. “I was just thinking a-about some things…” he whispered, trailing off. He rose from his seated position and placed a piece of paper into his book, serving as a bookmark so he knew where to start later.

Yoongi looked the prince up and down, his eyes narrowing. “Some things..?” He asked quietly, growing somewhat suspicious of the younger.

“Please don’t ask.” Jungkook muttered timidly back.

Yoongi sighed, but respected the younger’s wishes. So instead of bombarding him with question he obviously didn’t feel comfortable answering, he walked closer to the boy and pulled him into his arms, giving him a comforting hug.

“I’m here for you, just know that.” The man whispered, kissing the crown of the prince’s head. “You aren’t alone anymore, Jungkookie. Please don’t bottle up your problems.”

Jungkook simply nodded. “Knock knock, I see a frownie face. Does someone need some cheering up?” Both men turned slightly to see Hoseok standing at the door, a small smile adorning his features. “Is my baby bun upset?” He asked gently.

Jungkook gave a small nod, allowing the other male to come forward and hug him as well.

They had grown significantly closer ever since Jimin had started spending all his time with either Namjoon or Jaebum. Jungkook had no other friends beside his brother, and now that he wasn’t available much, Jungkook had taken to the two males Namjoon had originally sent to watch over him.

Jungkook felt comfortable around them, and they treated him with love and affection he had never gotten growing up. They occasionally went for some kisses on his lips, but other than that, none of them had really talked about their feelings or moved towards anything more intimate physically or emotionally.

Jungkook didn’t mind so much right now, though. He was content at where he was, just having the two men care for him and love him and there for him without any expectations of what they’ll get in return.

Jungkook had grown up around a give and take policy, and most of the time he was the one giving. He’s never really had someone to tell him that it was okay, that he didn’t always have to be someone he wasn’t.

Sure he’d had Jimin, but Jimin had his own issues that made Jungkook’s pale in comparison. And Jungkook was always chastised for being nice to Jimin, for hanging around him, and he was always distracted by Lisa or some other court official.

Everything just seemed to be bubbling over and Jungkook was beginning to crumble now that he didn’t need to have the walls he’d had for so long.

But Yoongi and Hoseok were there, giving and giving to him, and never expecting anything in return and Jungkook loved it.

He loved them.

He snuggled further into their embrace until all his tears were dried and his eyes were no longer red. They had moved to the bed, cuddling on top of the covers and just simply holding each other, not saying a word.

Jungkook sighed in content and wiggled a bit, a signal that he was okay now. But neither of the two men moved. “Bun…” Hoseok said quietly. Jungkook turned his head to look at him, as he was facing Yoongi currently. Hoseok was looking down at him, a soft look gleaming in his eyes. “Can I ask you a question?” Jungkook nodded slowly, unsure of what the man would ask him. But he trusted him. The both of them. “Do you remember that night...when I walked in on you?”

Jungkook blinked a few times, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

But then his eyes widened.


That night.

Jungkook no longer met Hoseok’s gaze, instead, looking down at the now very interesting sheets. But he gave a small nod.

“I know...that you may not be comfortable, but it’s been on my mind for a long time now. I don’t want to be stepping over any boundaries in asking this...but will you show me? Show us?”

Yoongi gazed at Hoseok, confusion clear in his eyes. Jungkook clutched the sheets below him, his body beginning to tremble.

Scared. That’s what he was. He was scared. He knew what Hoseok wanted. Hoseok wanted to see him for him. His bare skin, one without his ability. The one he hated. The one he’d been told was useless. Disgusting. Wasteful. The one that he had never shown anybody, that he had learned to hide away at a young age in favor of a body of a strong boy, someone who people could look up to, someone that people could just look at and tell that they were strong.

Jungkook shook his head quickly, sniffling as he felt tears rush to his eyes.

Hoseok sighed and ran a hand through Jungkook’s his softly, reassuringly. “Please, bun. I don’t want to push...but I don’t want you to hate who you are. It’s unhealthy and I hate seeing you pretend to be someone you’re not every day. You are safe now, you won’t be judged. You’ll never be judged. You’re so beautiful and so kind, and you have nothing to be afraid of.”

“Y-you’ll think I’m d-disgusting. U-useless. A-a total w-waste of—“

“Don’t you ever fucking say that again.” Jungkook whimpered at the commanding tone Yoongi suddenly spit out. The young prince curled further into a small ball, trembling mode as the two men seemed to tower over him.

“Bun…” Hoseok whispered. “I know you’re scared. But have nothing to fear. You aren’t useless. We would never be disgusted by you. And you’ll never, never ever, be a waste of space. That’s something you’ve been told all your life from people who were only insecure about themselves. They brought you down to make them feel better about themselves, mocked you and made you feel ashamed when all you were was beautiful and perfect.”

Tears were streaming down Jungkook’s eyes now as he listened to Hoseok, Yoongi still unsure of what was fully going on, but still comforting Jungkook by rubbing his lower back reassuringly.

“Please.” Hoseok whispered one more time.

Jungkook squeezed his eyes shut and didn’t respond. Hoseok sighed sadly once more, running a hand through Jungkook’s hair once again, knowing that perhaps the prince wasn’t ready.

They sat there in silence for a long time, Jungkook silently crying as he was held and caressed by the two men.

Hoseok felt a shift in the boy and looked down, his eyes widening slightly to find Jungkook...shrinking a bit.

Jungkook trembled even more now, laying himself bare in front of the two men.

The prince was small, short by nature, but still a bit taller than Jimin. Thin, delicate arms were revealed that were normally encased in nothing but lean and tough muscle. The strong abdomen the two had always noted, softened, curves becoming more prominent as his waist became smaller as well.

His legs became softer, the muscle becoming less prominent as well, his thighs thickening with a bit more fat than muscle this time. Soft, paler skin.

Both men became soft for the young prince, who was scared out of his mind as he laid his raw form out for them to see.

Just as he was about to curl further into himself from the silence, he was encased into strong arms and pulled tightly between the two men.

He released a small gasp as Hoseok leaned down, attaching their lips into a sweet and loving kiss. He pulled away after a few moments, looking down at the prince with a soft smile.

“Stunning. You’re absolutely stunning, bun, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

Jungkook shook his head a bit, unable to get proper words out. He felt self conscious and horrible, on the brink of panic and filled with embarrassment for his body.

Yoongi kissed his shoulder lightly, holding the prince tighter. “Let us show you then, bun.” He whispered finally. “Let us show you how beautiful you are.”

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