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Third Person POV

Jimin was going to faint.

That was the first thing that crossed his mind as he stared, wide eyed at the robes in front of him.

They were beautiful. A deep purple, with golden linings, representing the colors of Namjoon’s home country.

His wedding robes.

In less then four hours he’d be married.

He’d swear his loyalty to Namjoon.

He’d be crowned.

He’d be wed.

“Hey...Hey, Hyung, calm down.” Jungkook said, running his hands down Jimin’s arms, standing behind him and staring at the robes as well. “Everything will be fine. It’s just a formality. Nothing will change.”

“Except I’ll be married.”

“To a guy that at least cares about you.”


The more you stress about this, the worse your nerves will get to you. Just treat it how you treat every other royal function!”

“By avoiding them at all costs. Thanks Kook!” Jimin tried to run, but the younger prince caught him.

Wrong advice, sorry. Look, you have to do this, Jimin.”

“It's like you aren’t even my brother! Shouldn’t you be protective over me! It’s not exactly like I’m going to be playing the husband role here!”

“Oh stop complaining. Come on, we have to hurry. We already did all of your hair and makeup, we just gotta get these robes on you.


He’s protecting you, Hyung.” Jungkook finally snapped out. “I’m not strong enough to do it on my own. And I’m trying to be protective here, but the only way for me to do so is happening in about half an hour.”

Jimin clamped his mouth shut and nodded. Jungkook helped him to dress in the robes, and when they were done, he turned and stared at himself in the mirror.

He looked good.

But that didn’t stop the nerves from getting to him. Jungkook rubbed his back comfortingly and dragged him towards the exit of the safe confines of his room.

Well, his old room.

Starting tonight, he would have to sleep with Namjoon, the man had made that very clear.

With a shaky breath, Jimin stepped completely out of his room and walked down the hall, Jungkook by his side, already clad in his ceremonial robes.

The halls were completely dead, the only sound coming from Jungkook and Jimin’s shoes on the stone floors.

Jungkook guided Jimin down the hall and to the huge doors of the throne room. He turned to his brother and offered a small smile. “It’s going to be okay Hyung, Okay?”

“Okay.” Jimin said breathlessly, turning to face the doors.



“Good.” Jungkook turned to the doors as well, as soon as they began to open. They opened to reveal a beautifully decorated throne room, Namjoon standing at the end, on the stairs, just before the thrones. A priest stood beside him, and what seemed to be the whole court seated there, as well.

Jimin ignored the gawking stares as he walked down the room, moving to stand beside Namjoon.

“You look stunning, Minnie.” He said, a gentle smile gracing his features.

Jimin relaxed upon seeing the smile, and returned a shy one of his own.

“Y-you as well.” He managed.

Namjoon did look good. He, too, was garbed in purple and gold, but his robes were predominantly gold.

Namjoon held onto Jimin’s hand as the priest began to speak, following tradition and dragging on the ceremony.

Jimin’s nerves only grew, as the time grew closer.

There weren’t any oaths.

Weren’t any “Do you...I do’s.”

This wasn’t a marriage of love.

It was a marriage for power.

Therefore there was no need for such things as oaths promising to love and cherish. Consent of I do’s. Everything had been settled in stone already, anyway, someone saying 'I do' would not make any difference.

Soon, Jimin was officially wed.

There would be no kiss, either.

Namjoon leaned down, however, to whisper into Jimin’s ear. “I stand by my promise. I will be the first to steal those beautiful lips of yours, but I refuse it to be in front of eyes undeserving.”

Jimin blushed profusely at the declaration and turned away, embarrassed. Namjoon smirked and turned to the court. His eyes swept over the nobles, all who had a blank looks on their faces.

They looked haggard, having been in the dungeons for the past few weeks.

Jimin, too, studied the court. Never had he seen them with such solemn looks before. Never had he seen them look so low.

Namjoon caught his attention and they turned back to the priest, who now held a crown in his hands.

He started to proclaim something in a language Jimin didn’t know. He guessed it was just the theatrics of the priest. Suddenly, the crown was placed no his head. He bowed lowly to the priest, before being pushed gently forward by Namjoon.

With a shaky breath, Jimin stepped up the stairs and reached the throne.

His mother’s.

He took a seat slowly, his eyes never leaving Namjoon’s, who offered him comfort and helped him to relax.

The priest now held another crown. It was larger, heavier.

The crown Jimin would’ve worn once upon a time ago, if things had never turned out like this.

But Jimin was never as relieved as he was now.

He never wanted that fucking thing on his head.

Namjoon kneeled as the priest asked him questions.

Would he protect the people?


Would he look after the court?


Would he serve righteously?


Jimin focused in when the crown started to lower.

(Maybe this should be mentioned, but this is more of a European medieval style thing)

Namjoon stood once the crown was placed atop his head. He stood proud and tall before the court.

Jimin stood from his throne, his brother beside him and Namjoon’s friends behind.

Together, they kneeled, bowing their heads in respect of their king.

Half the court followed.

The other half were incinerated immediately.

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