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Third Person POV

Namjoon hadn’t seen much of Jimin, after that discussion.

Their wedding was currently two days away, and Namjoon was beginning to feel awkward.

He hadn’t had a proper conversation with Jimin in over a week, and it was starting to get to him.

The boy wasn’t exactly ignoring him, but he wasn’t going out of his way to speak to him, either.

They needed to talk a bit more, otherwise they’d forever be awkward with each other.

But even he himself felt a bit uncomfortable. But only because he didn’t know how to deal with his feelings towards the young prince. He hadn’t ever really explored feelings in the romance spectrum, and as much as he hated to admit it, it was leaving him a bit flustered.

Namjoon had been young when his family had been killed and his home taken from him.

He’d never grown old enough to experience love in any romantic form.

His whole life he’d simply had his brothers. They were all he’d had and the only people he ever talked to.

They’d been on the run for so long as well, that he’d never sticked around to get to know someone.

The most he’d ever done was visit a few brothels and sleep with a few prostitutes.

He sighed, running a frustrated hand through his hair.

An action not unnoticed by Jin.

“Okay, what the hell is up with you lately? You’re being crowned king in two days, you’ve killed the king, you’ve practically finished everything you swore you’d do and completed all of your goals. You should be happy, yet you’re walking around half moping and half frustrated.”

“It’s nothing.”

“Like hell its nothing. What the hell is going on with you?”

“Nothing!” Namjoon said, slamming his hands onto his desk. He groaned and sat back down, rubbing his temples. “Okay, fine. I’m just confused, that’s all.”

“Confused? About what?” Jin looked over Namjoon, studying his features. “Oh my god, you have a crush on Jimin.”

Namjoon scoffed, rolling his eyes.

“Don’t you fucking roll your eyes at me. You do, you have a crush on him.”

“And what the fuck am I supposed to do about it?”

“I don’t know. I think you should be glad, considering you’re marrying him in two days.”

“But I don’t know how to deal with this! And he hasn’t talked to me in over a week!”

“Have you tried talking to him?”


“There’s your answer. Dude, chill the fuck out, we aren’t fourteen hanging out at a brothel and giggling like a bunch of fucking girls over some prostitutes. Go talk to Jimin.”

“Easier said that done.”

“Nope, pretty easy, if you ask me. Why don’t you just invite him to have lunch with you or something? Start talking about your interests and what not.”

“Why is it that you’re right, but I just don’t want to listen to you?”

This time Jin rolled his eyes.

“Okay, fuck you. I’m only trying to help you get over your fucking butterflies.”

“My fucking—what the hell hyung.”

Jin snickered and turned back to the document he’d been reading before they’d started talking.

“All I’m saying is that a lunch with him wouldn’t hurt. Besides, what made it so awkward between you guys, anyway?”

“He said he wasn’t comfortable with me sleeping with other women.”

“Well no shit Sherlock. You’re making him marry you, and then asking him if you can fuck someone else? Are you that insensitive?”

“Well I need an heir, I can’t just take the throne and then die heirless. I may have accomplished my life goals, but I sure as hell won’t leave this kingdom in ruins once I die. I’m not like that.”

“So what happened? He freaked out on you, kicked you out and is giving you the silent treatment?”

“Not even close.” Namjoon snorted, recalling the conversation they’d had and how flustered Jimin had been.

Even if the prince had been mad, Namjoon doubted he would have acted on it. He’d seen the boy mad before, and it was honestly scary as fuck, but otherwise the kid couldn’t hurt a fly.


“Well, basically he told me he wasn’t comfortable with that. Which I then pointed out I would need an heir.”

“So you’re not going to listen to him?”

“No, I will, I respect his decision.”

“So what happened to make it awkward?”

“He told me he’d carry my heir for me.”

“....the fuck!?”

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