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Third Person POV


"Yes hyung?" Jungkook looked up from the  book he was reading.

Yoongi looked up as well, as the young prince was leaning against his chest as he ran a hand through his hair.

"Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Jungkook placed the book down and got out of his position, standing. Yoongi followed.

"Alone." Jimin added.

"Is it so important?"

"It's something you don't need to know." Jimin said sourly. It's been a week since the queen had been wed, and he hadn't once had a chance to talk to Jungkook alone about...the whole heir thing.

Yoongi looked like he was going to protest. "It's okay, Hyungie." Jungkook said to the man. "I'll be right back." Yoongi sighed, already knowing he was too soft for the boy and nodded.

Jungkook followed Jimin out of the room and to a private one.

"What did you need to talk to me about, hyung?"

"This is...rather embarrassing." Jimin began, laughing nervously. Jungkook tilted his head in confusion. "So...basically, about a week before Namjoon and I got married, he asked me if he could sleep with some women to try and produce an heir."

"He what?" Jungkook asked, wrinkling his nose in distaste.

"I don't know...I just got kind of upset and spoke without thinking."

"Of course you got upset! Your husband asked if he could cheat on you!" Jungkook threw his hands up and Jimin sighed. "But what did you say?"

"I...kind of told him no and...thatiwouldcarryhisheirforhim."

Jimin mumbled quickly.

"You what?"

"I told him I would carry his heir for him." Jimin blurted out again, blushing a deep scarlet right afterwards. Jungkook stared at him in shock, his mouth agape.

"You told him what!?"

"I don't want him sleeping with other people!" Jimin squealed out. "He's my husband for Pete's sake!"


"I...had to talk to you about since..."

"You'd have to use my ability." Jimin nodded.

Jungkook sighed, shaking his head. "You didn't have to ask me, hyung you know you always have permission to--"

"I will always ask." Jimin cut in. "It would be very wrong not to." Jungkook sighed and nodded.

"Alright. Well..." Jungkook's eyes began to glow softly and Jimin's immediately following.

Jimin required for the person to activate their power first for him to be able to use it, otherwise he wouldn't be able to access it without ripping it away from them completely.

Jimin felt something shift inside of him and he bit his bottom lip, trying to get comfortable with the feeling.

"Maybe if you just had a womb, instead of changing your whole entire sex, it would be better." Jungkook said. "It would take less time for you to get used to and it would make it easier on you as well."


"I know...but just think about it. You'll have to  have complete control for nine months unless you want the child to die, plus it could potentially harm you if you suddenly lost the form. We're treading on very hypothetical ground here, hyung."

"You can hold a form for as long as you want, right?"

"It takes a lot of practice. Smaller changes are faster to master and easier to cope with. That's why I suggested just the womb."

"I will have to Namjoon hyung about it. I don't want him to feel uncomfortable if he were to...bed with me and I still posses male genitalia."

"He'll be accepting of it because you're my brother and his wife. You should make the choice that is easier on you, not what he wants."

"You're right, but it will still be beneficial to talk to him about it, at least."

"I guess you're right in that aspect." Jungkook said. He chuckled quietly. "What have we gotten ourselves into, hyung? You're married to the man who killed our family and I'm falling in love with two idiots."

"You're what?" Jimin said suddenly, surprised.

Jungkook nodded. "It feels good to say that. I haven't gotten alone time with you in so long. I'm falling in love, hyung, and I'm scared. Is it weird to love two men...?"

"Not at all!" Jimin placed a hand onto Jungkook's shoulder comfortingly. "Jungkook, don't think about what others will think. Just follow your heart. If those two men are who you love then they are who you love."

"What if they don't accept me?"

"Do you think they won't?" Jungkook paused. "I can't answer that question, only you can, Jungkook. Do you think that they will reject you? And even if your answer is yes, you'll never know unless you try. And if they do reject you, then I'm always here for you and we can cut their dicks off together, okay?"

Jungkook giggled and nodded, feeling better. "Thank you, hyung."

"Thank you, Jungkookie. Don't worry, we'll get through this. Besides, these men have given us more of a home than our real family ever did."

"You're right. I for the first time in my life. Not oppressed by father or the court."

Jimin smiled. Even though these men had ripped them of their family, they had given them something so much more.

A real family that truly made them feel welcome, safe, and loved.

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